OPEN LETTER: CCL Nelson-West Kootenay’s Response to BC’s Climate Leadership Consultation

OPEN LETTER: CCL Nelson-West Kootenay’s Response to BC’s Climate Leadership Consultation

by Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Nelson-West Kootenay Chapter

The Nelson-West Kootenay Chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby appreciates the opportunity to formally respond to the latest public consultation period in the BC Climate Leadership process. We congratulate the BC Climate Leadership Team (CLT) for reaching consensus on the package of interdependent recommendations for building BC’s next Climate Leadership Plan.

Although the province of British Columbia has made some progress in addressing climate change in the last decade – most noteworthy our world famous carbon tax – our GHG emissions are on the rise. Without big changes in climate policy, we will fail to meet our 2020 emission reduction targets.

Much more needs to be done to turn things around quickly to reach our targets. The longer we delay additional action the more it will cost and the more difficult it will be.


Some of the recommendations of the CLT do not go far enough for BC to do our part to keep global warming below 2 degrees C while maintaining a strong economy. If we want to strive toward a 1.5 degree goal, we will need even stronger actions. We support the package of recommendations in the CLT Recommendations report as a minimum or floor to guide the development of the emerging Climate Leadership Plan. In addition to those, we have further recommendations. Read the full document in pdf: CCL NELSON-WEST KOOTENAY BC’S RESPONSE TO BC CONSULTATION