ONLINE EVENT – Climate Action Counts Ontario Election

On Thursday, May 3, 2018, Citizens’ Climate Lobby Canada, held a special online conference to help us prepare for the Ontario election. Here was the agenda:

Part I: Mark T. Cameron, Canadians for Clean Prosperity (30 minutes – audio only)
Part II:  Keith Brooks, Environmental Defence (19 minutes, technical issues at the beginning our apologies)
Part III: CCL Discussions



Part I: Mark Cameron, Canadians for Clean Prosperity

Mark Cameron is the Executive Director of Canadians for Clean Prosperity. He has worked in several MPs and Ministers offices, including working in the Office of the Prime Minister as Director of Policy and Research and Senior Policy Advisor from 2006 to 2009. Mark has long been engaged in the environmental policy debate in Canada, and serves on the advisory board of the Pembina Institute and the steering committee of Sustainable Prosperity.

We had an engaging discussion with Mark. Please listen here:



Part II: Keith Brooks, Environmental Defence

Keith Brooks walked us through the success of Ontario’s Cap and Trade program and then answered questions.
Here is his powerpoint presentation: Year One of CCAP – Presentation for CCL.

Keith Brooks pursued a Bachelor of Environmental Sciences from the University of Guelph and then worked for a number of years in the environmental consulting field, before enrolling at York University where he earned a Master of Environmental Studies. The move from scientist and consultant to advocate was provoked by the recognition that more science cannot solve the environmental challenge on its own. Our challenge lies not in knowing what must be done, but in doing it. We cannot choose between the environment and the economy. We can and must have both. It is this outlook which ultimately led Keith to his current role as the Program Director at Environmental Defence.

Our apologies. We had a technical issue for the first ten minutes of his presentation.



Part III: CCL Discussions

Briefing note on Electricity Prices in Ontario with Frank Grossman – CCL Canada ON Electricity 

Quick comments about our online survey to the four political parties.

Guidelines and helpful advice for asking questions at a town hall or debate in your riding.



Gentle reminder: the official talking of our organization are only to be found in our laser talks and media releases. All other discussions, viewpoints of guest speakers and policy notes, are not our official talking points.