February 10, 2022
MEDIA HIT Real Solutions: Add Anesthetic Gases to GHG Inventory
February 10, 2022CCL Canada is asking that volatile anesthetics be included in the GHG inventory. Find out why. Read the…
November 26, 2021
CCL Canada Ed Call: Adding Anaesthetics to the GHG Inventory
November 26, 2021On Thursday, November 25, 2021, Dr. Sanjiv Mathur, shared with us compelling reasons why volatile anaesthetics should be added…
April 28, 2021
Laser Talk: Canada’s National GHG Inventory Data
April 28, 2021Looking carefully at Table ES-4 below, changes in governments in Manitoba (2016), Ontario (2017), British Columbia (2017), Quebec (2018),…
October 4, 2017
Media Release: Environment Commissioner Says Canada Will Not Meet Its 2030 Target: Canada Can Bend the Curve With A Strong Carbon Pricing Policy
October 4, 2017On Tuesday in her yearly report, Julie Gelfand, Canada’s Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, warned that the…
August 16, 2016
Système de tarification du carbone au Canada: nos recommandations
August 16, 2016Même si les détails d’un plan pancanadien sur le climat sont encore en cours de discussion, LCC fera pression…
May 30, 2016
CCL Canada’s Guidelines for our National Carbon Pricing Policy
May 30, 2016By early 2017, Canada will have a national carbon pricing policy. For almost six years, we have been lobbying…