Upward and Onward: Carbon Pricing Conference and Lobby Day, Citizens’ Climate Lobby Ontario

Upward and Onward: Carbon Pricing Conference and Lobby Day, Citizens’ Climate Lobby Ontario


onwards and upwards.fw

Friend’s House, 60 Lowther, Toronto, ON M5R 1C7, (416) 921-0368
Queen’s Park in downtown Toronto
Registration closed noon-sharp Friday, March 24,  2017

CCL Ontario went to Queen’s Park for the third time with an appreciation for carbon pricing in Ontario, to empower their MPPs to keep hiking the carbon price past 2022 and to keep coordinating the price nationally so that Canada can enact border tax adjustments.Our work has only just begun. Yes, we finally have a national carbon price policy in Canada. However, we are currently in somewhat of a carbon pricing quagmire, albeit pointed in the right direction with positive momentum.

Our work has only just begun. Yes, we finally have a national carbon price policy in Canada. However, we are currently in somewhat of a carbon pricing quagmire, albeit pointed in the right direction with positive momentum.

What people may not know is that with all the climate policies in play in Canada, federally and provincially, Canada’s GHG emissions targets are ranked much lower than the U.S. by Climate Action Tracker. Canada has an “inadequate” ranking whereas the U.S. has a “medium” ranking.

We lobbied our provincial representatives to keep hiking the carbon price past 2022 and ensuring that Ontario’s carbon pricing policy will easily lend itself to national and international coordination. The night before we learned about the compliance gap for reducing GHG emissions in Ontario’s climate plan.

Monday, March 27, 2017  – Conference

Friend’s House, 60 Lowther, Toronto, ON M5R 1C7, (416) 921-0368
4:00 pm
– doors open, get lobbying assignments
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm –  CCL Group Start* and others strategize over lobbying assignments and review in detail the leave behind.
5:30 pm to 6:15 pm – Dinner
6:15 pm to 6:30 pm – Official Welcome
6:30 pm to 7:15 pm – Nancy Palardy from the office of the Ontario Environment Commissioner
7:15  pm to 8:30 pm 
– going over our official  ask of the MPPs facilitated by John Stephenson and lobbying logistics, facilitated by Cathy Orlando

* You cannot lobby with us unless you have had the CCL Group Start training

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 –  Lobby Day

Queen’s Park in downtown Toronto


Want to lobby in your home riding?
Please wait until after this event to do so – preferably until May because in April CCLers focus on outreach and letters to the editor. Carbon pricing, the current political landscape and the volatility of the fossil fuel market are all moving targets.  Thus, we will be using the most up-to-date talking points to draft our Ontario carbon pricing leave behind and it won’t be ready until the week before this event.

LIVE STREAM FEED MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2017 6:15 pm to 7:15 pm EDST

Suggested Readings

Nancy Parlardy’s Powerpoint:
2017-03-27 Climate Citizens Lobby v2

Our Official Lobbying Ask
Leave Behind Ontario – version March 26  most important document to study
Conference Booklet March 2017

Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (ECO) Reports
The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario’s Report on Climate Change (November 2016)
Long Term Energy Plan-2016-Special-Report

Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (ECO) Online Webinars:
Facing Climate Change Part 1
Facing Climate Change Part 2

Other pertinent articles, reports, and guidelines
Four Myths About the Ontario Cap and Trade System – Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission
Seven Things I learned while confronting Albertan skepticism  – Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission
California Cap and Trade Waiting for Clarity – March 3, 2017, Environmental Defense
CCL Canada’s Carbon Pricing Guidelines – May 2016

Nova Scotia Data
NScCap_TradeCommentsMarch31_2017 Appendix-A-Introduction-to-Cap-and-Trade-in-Ontario

CCL Canada Education
A discussion about Quebec and California’s Cap and Trade Program with Dr. Mark Purdon of IQ Carbone – March 2017
Cap and Trade or Carbon Taxes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with Dr. Nicholas Rivers – February 2017


Carbon Pricing from the Left -March 2017, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission
Carbon Pricing from the Right – March 2017, Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission

Please note, you do note have to read, listen and watch all of this suggested readings. You will be lobbying alongside citizens who have done so, though. We are highly focused on carbon pricing at CCL.

Some Images to Use

Canada’s targets are woefully inadequate according to Climate Action Tracker. 
climate action tracker two.fw

canada targets.fw

climate action tracker one.fw

There are some big claim in the MOECC Climate Action report about emissions reductions.

big claim.fw

There is a potential compliance gap for 2020:

compliance gap.fw

Note that the consumer between 2017-2020 is funding most of the cap and invest program. Big emitters got free allowances.

who pays who doesnt.fw

We don’t include methane leakage from garbage in our GHG accounting in Ontario:

if we took methane seriously.fw


Keynotes, Panelists and Guest Speakers

NANCY PALARDY – Senior Manager, Climate Change at the office of the  Environment Commissioner of Ontario

nancy-palardyNancy Palardy works with the climate change team, focusing on mitigation, carbon pricing, and transportation policy. Prior to joining the ECO, she worked as an oil and gas analyst for Jantzi Research, researching the environmental, social and governance performance of companies for institutional investors. She previously co-ordinated the ecological justice and corporate engagement programs for KAIROS. In this capacity, she led its shareholder engagement strategy, focused on the disclosure of climate change risks and liabilities of Canadian oil companies. In the past, she has served as a board member of the Ontario Natural Food Co-op and is currently on the Servas Canada board. In her spare time, Nancy enjoys time outdoors with her husband and two children, especially when that involves long-distance bicycle touring, hiking and camping. She is currently working toward her black belt in karate, but that really is a long-term goal!

Lobbying Tool Kit


  • Photo ID is required to get into all buildings at Queen’s Park
  • Allow at least 15 minutes to get through the airport-like security at Queen’s Park
  • To the CCL volunteers who make the appointment with their MPPs, please send all lobbying information to canada@citizensclimatelobby.org in the format given  below so that we can avoid email flurries.
  • Please get all appointments and MPP bios to us by March 22.

Getting started on lobbying your MP/MPP: A Word document that gives suggested dialogue to use when you phone and then email your MPP to book an appointment. Please only book appointments with your MPP. If you are brand new to Citizens’ Climate Lobby and do not have a connection with your local CCL group, check with us to make sure someone has not already started booking the appointment.

Once you have secured an appointment send the following information to canada@citizensclimatelobby.org
– The name of the MPP, their Party and any special roles they may have at Queen’s Park
– The day, date and time of the appointment
– The location including the building name (where applicable) and the street address and room number
– The staff contact person and their contact information
– Who was the CCL scheduler?
– Names of constituents (even if they are not attending the conference)
– Who you would like to have lobby with you (primarily constituents in the MP’s riding will get priority but other special circumstances may be considered. There are no guarantees)


Suggested visuals to bring when lobbying

The Final Lobbying Schedule

After registration closes on March 22, 2017,  the Lobbying Schedule Committee will meet to determine the lobbying schedule. Great care will go into balancing the following elements: putting constituents in the room, past lobbying participants, weighing the skills of the different people, giving everyone approximately the same number of appointments, considering the lobby lead requests and avoiding schedule conflicts. That all being said, we have to be nimble. About 15-20% of lobbying meetings change at the last minute because we lobby mostly face-to-face.

Thus, it is especially critical, you secure your appointments as soon as you can so that we can collectively be as organized as possible well in advance. Be sure to send all information in the correct format above and to canada@citizensclimatelobby.org by March 22.

This will be our 14th time lobbying together (11 times in Ottawa and 3 times in Toronto). Our veteran lobbyists should know the drill by now.

Thank you in advance for creating order.

Order is the shape upon which beauty depends. – Pearl S. Buck

Beauty will save the world.Fyodor Dostoyesky



Never Lobbied Before?

Never lobbied before? Don’t worry, we have been lobbying for carbon fee and dividend since 2010. You will be officially trained on the Monday with our proven methodology. By the end of the session you will be empowered to speak for millions.

Canada potentially could lead the world out of the climate crisis. The provinces must work together and we are going help make sure Ontario’s carbon pricing policy goes onwards and upwards.

We will send registered attendees a series of short emails after March 22 to orient everyone to the event. One of the emails will include a package of updated and most relevant “Laser Talks” with instructions. (Instead we sent a very comprehensive  Leave Behind Ontario)

At the conference, you are going to be hanging out with some of the most interesting and talented climate volunteers on the planet and we like to have fun. Getting out of our comfort zone is our modus operandi.

Ontario has a carbon price and most of our MPP’s will be relieved to know that there is someone in their riding that supports a national and rising price on carbon pollution.

We have one over-arching rule: treat politicians with respect and admiration for their service.

Here are the key strategies we use.

Important Deadlines and Instructions

  1. Tuesday,  March 21, 2017, 7 pm, ET:  CCL CANADA EDUCATION CALL – on the uberline in preparation for this event (see emails).
  2. Wednesday, March 22, 2017 Online registration closes. MPP  Bios must be sent to canada@citizensclimatelobby.org. Any MPP bios sent after that time may or may not be photocopied or formatted in time for the conference by us. You will be responsible.
  3. Wednesday, March 22, 2017: Please get us your lobbying appointments as soon as you get them to canada@citizensclimatelobby.org. We will still accept lobbying appointments made after March 22 – even at the conference and lobbying day. We will make it work. However, they will not be included in the master list of lobbying appointments.
  4. Thursday, March 23, 2017:  All photocopying will be sent to the printers.
  5. Friday, March 24, 2017: Final CCL Ontario Leave Behind posted online
  6. Thursday, March 30, 2017: CCL CANADA  post-lobbying debrief call.


WHERE TO SEND: Please lobbying appointments in proper format and MPP  bios to the email box for CCL Canada: canada@citizensclimatelobby.org 

NAME: The name of the MP, their Party and any special roles they may have in Parliament.
TIME: The day of the week, date and time
LOCATION: Including the building and address and room number if possible
STAFF CONTACT: The staff contact person and their contact information
CONSTITUENTS: Names of constituents (even if they are not attending the conference)
MEETING SCHEDULED BY: Who was the CCL scheduler
ALSO WANTS TO ATTEND: Who you would like to have lobby with you. Constituents in the MP’s riding will get top priority. Other circumstances may be considered but there are no guarantees.

The Final Lobbying Schedule

After registration closes on March 22, 2017,  the Lobbying Schedule Committee will meet to determine the lobbying schedule. Great care will go into balancing the following elements: putting constituents in the room, past lobbying participants, weighing the skills of the different people, giving everyone approximately the same number of appointments, considering the lobby lead requests and avoiding schedule conflicts. That all being said, we have to be nimble. About 15-20% of lobbying meetings change at the last minute because we lobby mostly face-to-face.

Thus, it is especially critical, you secure your appointments as soon as you can so that we can collectively be as organized as possible well in advance.

This will be our 14th time lobbying together (11 times in Ottawa and 3 times in Toronto). Our veteran lobbyists should know the drill by now.

Thank you in advance for creating order.

Order is the shape upon which beauty depends. – Pearl S. Buck

Beauty will save the world.Fyodor Dostoyesky


About Citizens' Climate Lobby Canada

Since 2010, CCL Canada has been lobbying parliamentarians for carbon fee and dividend.  In 2016, across Canada, our volunteers lobbied their federal MPs 168 times in face-to-face meetings for carbon fee and dividend. In the first half of 2017, we are turning our attention provincially.

At Citizens’ Climate Lobby, we’re committed to building the political will for the climate solutions we all need. As empowered citizens, we talk with neighbors, friends, and local officials about how national climate action can help ensure a healthy future while strengthening the Canadian economy.

FullSizeRenderOur volunteers include high school students and concerned grandparents, a Canadian NASA rocket scientist living in Pasadena, health care workers from across Canada and many other walks of life. Some are PhD’s who have spent careers researching the intricacies of climate change; others are concerned citizens who just want to know how to help. Whatever our  backgrounds, we’re all united by a commitment to making our voices heard as we call for a healthy climate future.

CCL is a non-partisan international organization. Members of CCL’s International’s advisory board include: George P. Shultz, former US secretary of state; Dr. James Hansen, retired Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, Canadian Climate Scientist at Texas Tech University; and others. CCL believes politicians don’t create political will, they respond to it.

CCL believes citizens who are well trained, organized by ridings and with a good system of support can influence the political process. Our volunteers want Canada to lead the fight to save the global climate, and they want to help politicians achieve this noble goal.

Connecting in Social Media Beforehand

Facebook : For those wishing to use Facebook to connect with each other beforehand, a Facebook Event has been set-up. However, there is no privacy in Facebook.

CCL Community: For those wishing to discuss”delicate” planning items in a social media platform, please join the CCL Ontario Action Group in the CCL Community.  For example our final leave behind for this lobbying effort will be discussed beforehand in the CCL Community.

CCL Community is our members’ website, offering many resources and many options for connecting with other CCL volunteers. Go to http://community.citizensclimatelobby.org/register to register.

Note: new members should fill out our complete volunteer form first at:  https://cclca.wpengine.com/join-citizens-climate-lobby/

If you would like to learn about navigating Community, you can watch the “Getting Started with Community” video tutorial at the top of the FAQs page at the Search and Support tab. New volunteers can check out our New Volunteer Toolkit here. Everyone can check out our Resources Section here.

Citizens’ Climate University (CCU) offers tutorials on many aspects of CCL’s work. You can connect to both live and recorded programs here.

If you’re looking for something on Community and are unable to find it, contact Ask Sandy, at sandy.simon@citizensclimatelobby.org. She’ll help you find what you’re looking for!


The Lobby Trap

Be careful of falling through the lobby trap door.

Inadvertently, subconsciously, unintentionally or sometimes quite deliberately, the following may happen when you lobby: someone in your lobbying group will start talking about all the other climate actions that need to be done to save the climate. Unless you have an hour to lobby the MPP, please focus on the lobbying ask that many CCLers from across Canada have created together in the “Leave Behind”.  The final version of the “Leave Behind” will go online March 23. If you want to learn more about how we are collaborating the Leave Behind, join the CCL Ontario group in CCL Community and give feedback by March 19 and join us on the March 22 group call.

Here are the general principals of what we are asking for: 

CCL Ontario is going back to Queen’s Park for the third time with an appreciation for carbon pricing in Ontario and to empower their MPPs to keep hiking the carbon price past 2022 and to keep coordinating the price nationally so that Canada can enact border tax adjustments.

Ultimately Ontario, Canada, and the world needs:

  • A carbon price of at least $150 tonne by 2030.
  • Unprecedented cooperation between the federal government, provinces, and territories.
  • Border tax adjustments to level the playing field with countries that don’t have equivalent carbon prices.
  • For long-term viability, the carbon pricing policy has to be void of inducing cynism and must be as bullet-proof as possible against populist attacks. There has to be political will for the carbon pricing policy.
  • Most importantly, the carbon pricing must protect the poor and middle class.

The more focused we are, the higher probability of success.

Have no doubts, you will be speaking on behalf of millions of people.

Registration Closed


Karelo is handling the registrations again.

Thus billing on your credit card will show up as Karelo not Citizens’ Climate Lobby.