IMMENSE GRATITUDE Marshall Saunders, our founder and president, had a vision to create an organization where people could be empowered to create positive change in our world. In 2007, he founded Citizens’ Climate Lobby. There are now over 85,000 members world wide, including over 1300 Canadians. And many of our Canadian CCLers are here again on Parliament Hill – our 4th national conference and the 12th time as a collective lobbying for a liveable world. Once again we have been able to secure an amazing line-up of speakers to share their knowledge, and create a narrative that will inform our discussions with parliamentarians. Thank you for helping us at this time of massive change. It can be easy to despair about climate change, but the reality is that we are in a race to the top. The global tech market is worth over $1 trillion (CAD) and is on the cusp of a multi-trillion dollar clean tech revolution. With effective carbon pricing we can create the political will to make this happen. Our politicians truly need our help to secure a healthy climate and 21st-century jobs for future generations. Thank you conference funders big and small, presenters, and everyone who is about to lobby our MPs for our five simple steps to improve Canada’s carbon pricing policy. We are all about to make a difference alongside some of the best volunteers on the planet. Truly and deeply, The Future is Ours Conference Team: Marlo Firme, Gerry Labelle, Cathy Lacroix, Cathy Orlando, Laura Sacks and Yannick Trottier CCCL 2017 The future is ours Conference booklet- Confirmed Speakers SCHEDULE STILL SUBJECT TO CHANGE – FIFTH Draft, October 13. 2017 CCL LOBBY PREP DAY: Saturday, October 21, 2017, noon to 5:30 pm SATURDAY NIGHT PARTY: Saturday, October 21, 2017, 7:30 pm to 10 pm EDUCATIONAL DAY: Sunday, October 22, 2017, 10 am to 5:00 pm LOBBYING Day 1 and GROUP PHOTO: Monday, October 23, 2017, all day EVENING RECEPTION: Monday, October 23, 2017, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm LOBBYING Day 2: Tuesday, October 24, 2017, all day For those of you who would like to receive updates on Facebook, we have set up an event page . CONFERENCE BOOKLET: At the conference, please read the conference booklet cover to cover. Great care will be taken to making it as comprehensive as possible. Additionally, it makes a great “leave behind” when lobbying. Our Saturday and Sunday conference venue, our conference hotel and Monday night reception venue is the Marriott Residence Inn, 161 Laurier Avenue West. THE HOTEL LOCATION: There are many Marriott Hotels in Ottawa. Please note the location of the Marriott Residence Inn. It is near the corner of Elgin St and Laurier Ave. This Ottawa Marriott Residence Inn is close to Parliament Buildings and Ottawa City Hall. DEADLINE: All suites must be booked by Thursday, September 28, 2017. There are a limited number of rooms blocked off for us too. It is peak season in Ottawa at that time, that is why it is more expensive this year as well. Thus, it could sell out beforehand. Please book now. AFTER JUNE 1: To book a suite, call the hotel directly and say you are with Citizens’ Climate Lobby: 613-231-2020 … Yes suites! The cost of double Queen room with a separate kitchen, sitting area and a foldout couch is $189 night (double occupancy). Smaller rooms are available. GUEST AMENITIES centre (open 24 hours) with indoor swimming pool ABOUT THE SUITES JAIL HOSTEL: Looking for the alternate CCL Hostel: The OTTAWA Jail Hostel is only a 15 minute walk to the hotel our conference venue: WHERE TO SEND: Please lobbying appointments in proper format and MP bios to the email box for CCL Canada: . Map of Parliament Hill which will be included in your conference booklet For the super-wonky people: Never lobbied before? Don’t worry, we have been lobbying for carbon fee and dividend for over seven years in Canada. You will be officially trained on the Saturday with our proven methodology. By the end of the session on Saturday, you will begin to feel comfortable. And by the end of the educational day on Sunday, you will be empowered to speak for millions. Canada potentially could lead the world out of the climate crisis and we just might be the change agents that helps catalyze the transformation the world so desperately needs. We will send registered attendees a series of short emails after October 16 to orient everyone to the weekend. At the conference, you are going to be hanging out with some of the most interesting, bravest and talented climate volunteers on the planet and we like to have fun. Getting out of our comfort zone is our modus operandi. Canada now has a nationally-integrated carbon pricing policy. Most of our MP’s will be relieved to know that there is someone in her/his riding that supports a national and rising price on carbon pollution. CONFERENCE BOOKLET: At the conference, please read the conference booklet cover to cover. Great care will be taken to making it as comprehensive as possible. Additionally, it makes a great “leave behind” when lobbying. We have one over-arching rule: treat politicians with respect and admiration for their service. After registration closes on October 16, the Lobbying Schedule Committee will meet to finalize the lobbying schedule. Great care will go into balancing the following elements: putting constituents in the room, past lobbying participants, weighing the skills of the different people, giving everyone approximately the same number of appointments, considering the lobby-lead requests and avoiding schedule conflicts. That all being said, we have to be nimble. About 15-20% of lobbying meetings change at the last minute because we lobby parliamentarians mostly face-to-face. Thus, it is especially critical you do not change your lobbying schedule on your own. Everyone will get their lobbying schedules by Saturday, October 21 at the conference. Be careful of falling through the lobby trap door. Inadvertently, subconsciously, unintentionally or sometimes quite deliberately, the following may happen when you lobby: someone in your lobbying group will start talking about all the other climate actions that need to be done to save the climate. Unless you have an hour to lobby the Parliamentarian, please focus on the lobbying ask that many CCLers from across Canada have created together: CCCL October 2017 Leave Behind_ English _final Ultimately, Canada, and the world needs: The more focused we are, the higher probability of success. Have no doubts, you will be speaking on behalf of millions of people. Since 2010, CCL Canada has been lobbying parliamentarians for carbon fee and dividend. In Canada, we have had over 1700 letters to the editor, articles, editorials, and opinion pieces published in newspapers by or about us since 2010. In 2016, CCL Canada volunteers recorded 168 face-to-face meetings with MPs and a total of 199 meetings with staffers, provincial parliamentarians, and federal parliamentarians. At Citizens’ Climate Lobby, we’re committed to building the political will for the climate solutions we all need. As empowered citizens, we talk with neighbors, friends, and local officials about how national climate action can help ensure a healthy future while strengthening the Canadian economy. Our volunteers include high school students and concerned grandparents, a Canadian NASA rocket scientist living in Pasadena, health care workers from across Canada and many other walks of life. Some are PhD’s who have spent careers researching the intricacies of climate change; others are concerned citizens who just want to know how to help. Whatever our backgrounds, we’re all united by a commitment to making our voices heard as we call for a healthy climate future. CCL is a non-partisan international organization. Members of CCL’s International’s advisory board include: George P. Shultz, former US secretary of state; Dr. James Hansen, retired Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, Canadian Climate Scientist at Texas Tech University; and others. CCL believes politicians don’t create political will, they respond to it. CCL believes citizens who are well trained, organized by ridings and with a good system of support can influence the political process. Our volunteers want Canada to lead the fight to save the global climate, and they want to help politicians achieve this noble goal. Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots advocacy organization focused on national policies to address climate change. These core values guide our staff and volunteers along the way: Focus We are focused on what we see as the single most impactful solution to climate change — a national carbon fee. We know it will not solve the problem entirely, and appreciate the work that our friends in other groups are doing. So that we can be effective, we do not let ourselves get distracted by work that does not support our core purpose. After we accomplish our goal, we will tackle the next most impactful solution. Optimism We believe that people are good and that democracy works. We are confident that our approach will work because we see progress. We stand for a solution, not in protest of other solutions. We don’t expect perfection from ourselves or others; this is a process and we know that people can improve. Together, we are a community that offers one another comfort, support, and fun as we work. Relationships We take the most generous approach to other people as possible — appreciation, gratitude, and respect. We listen, we work to find common values, and we endeavor to understand our own biases. We are honest and firm. We know that there is a place for protest, but our approach is to build consensus — that’s what will bring enduring change. That’s why elected officials and their staff, no matter what their politics, say they are happy to see us — and mean it. Integrity We are prepared and do our research. We are always on time for meetings. Our approach is thoughtful & thorough. We consult experts and use data. We are open to new information; in fact, we solicit opposing opinions. We refine our solutions to make them better. We follow up when we are asked. We keep on. Personal Power We use our voices to be heard. This simple act transforms us from spectators to engaged citizens, and it reveals the true nature of democracy to us. We are volunteer-driven — trusting volunteers to make important decisions and to create and develop things that will be valued by Citizens’ Climate Lobby. Being Non-Partisan Our group is open to all who are serious about solving climate change. You are welcome no matter where you live, what you wear, what you do for a living, or who you voted for in the last election. We work with elected officials and community leaders from across the political spectrum because we believe that everyone is a potential ally. To help promote our 2017 multi-day national conference and lobbying days here are: A February 2016 Canadian survey found that 61 per cent of respondents believed the earth is getting warmer partly or mostly because of human activities. A March 2017 poll found that nearly two-thirds of Canadians want the Liberal government to proceed with climate regulations, including carbon pricing, regardless of a new direction on the environment from U.S. President Donald Trump, a new Nanos Research poll says. Thus the take home messages when lobbying Canadian politicians are that we don’t need to convince most Canadian politicians about the science of climate change (there is one MP in Canada we are unsure about) and most Canadian ridings (you might call them constituencies), with a few exceptions, are receptive to climate solutions. At this point, we are relationship building and working with our MPs to help make sure together we strengthen Canada’s climate policies one riding at a time. OVERVIEW: The USA is a democratic republic whereas Canada is a constitutional monarchy. The President is the elected head of state in the USA. Queen Elizabeth II is our head of state and she is represented in Canada by our Governor General, David Johnson. Our head of state is also called “the Crown”. Canada has a bicameral system, just like the USA, with lower and upper houses. EXECUTIVE BRANCH: In Canada, the political party with the most seats in the House of Commons forms the government and the leader of that party becomes the Prime Minister (PM). The executive branch of the Canadian government is led by the PM and he/she appoints senior Members of Parliament to the executive in a cabinet adhering to the principle of cabinet collective responsibility. The Privy Council is the non-partisan, public service support to the PM and Cabinet and its decision-making structures. HOUSE OF COMMMONS: Our lower house is called the House of Commons and it is the Canadian equivalent of the US House of Representatives. Our federal representatives are elected in electoral districts which we call ridings. We have 338 electoral districts for 35 million people. Our federal representatives are called Members of Parliament or MPs. Until 2009, governments could call an election at any time within five years of being elected. Since 2009, we have legislated set election dates every four years, unless there is a non-confidence vote in the House of Commons which defeats the government and forces an election. This usually happens when we have minority governments. MINORITY GOVERNMENTS A minority government happens when the ruling party does not have a majority of the seats in Parliament. Currently, we have a majority government under the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau (and yes, we add “u’s” to a lot of words up here). These recent governments were all minority governments: 2004-2006, 2006-2008 and 2008-2011. Canada is predisposed to minority governments because we have three major political parties and compared to the USA, a significant Green Party which garners about 5% of the popular vote and a regional party: the Bloc Québécois which currently holds 10 seats. Like in the USA and Britain, Canadian MPs are among the last representatives elected using a first-past-the-post ballot which many Canadians hope will change to some form of proportional representation. THE CANADIAN SENATE: The Canadian Senate, unlike in the USA, is not elected. It is an appointed senate. Most senators hold their seat until the mandatory age of retirement. There are three types of senators in Canada: Independents, Liberals and Conservatives. Currently, Independents and Liberals combined in the Senate are in a majority. The Canadian senate is undergoing a reformation currently. The Senate is divided equally amongst four geographic regions: 24 for Ontario, 24 for Quebec, 24 for the Maritimes (10 for Nova Scotia, 10 for New Brunswick, and four for Prince Edward Island), and 24 for the Western provinces (six each for Manitoba, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and Alberta). Newfoundland and Labrador, which became a Canadian province in 1949, is represented by six senators. Further, Canada’s three territories—the Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut—are allocated one senator each. An additional four or eight senators may be temporarily appointed by the governor general, provided the approval of the Queen is secured, and the four divisions are equally represented, thus putting the maximum possible number of senators at 113. THE DOMINATE BRANCH: The House of Commons is the dominant branch of parliament with the Senate and the Crown rarely opposing its will. The Senate is meant to take a second sober look at bills before they pass into law. The Senate reviews legislation from a less partisan standpoint and the Governor General provides the necessary Royal Assent to make bills into law. Onward and Upward Ontario, March 2017 NEW TO CCL? Start by joining our weekly intro call. The Intro Call to CCL is held weekly on Wednesdays at 8pm ET, 5pm PT and it is a live call. Some may find watching or listening to these CCL USA lessons helpful too but again to remind you, it is not required. We will be live streaming the event on YouTube: Saturday, October 21, 2017, from 1 pm ET to 3 pm ET: Registration closed. If you want to attend, just come and pay at the door and we will make it work.
Don’t miss the opening Inuit throats singers,
Followed by Erin Flanagan with Pembina at 14:00 on the Pan Canadian Framework.
Starts with a conservative focused panel around carbon pricing with reps from Canadians for Clean Prosperity and the Toronto Board of Trade.The Details
Keynotes, Panelists and Guest Speakers
On Sunday, October 22, Erin Flanagan will lead us through a deep review of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. Ms.Flanagan is the director of the Pembina Institute’s federal policy program. In this role, she spearheads national policy campaigns on climate and energy issues – including on carbon pricing, electricity sector regulation, and environmental law reform – and supports the Institute’s regional priorities in Ottawa. In 2016 she was named one of Canada’s top 30 under 30 in sustainability by Corporate Knights magazine and has twice been named one of Ottawa’s “Top 100 lobbyists” by The Hill Times. Read her full bio here.
Bruce Hyer is the Deputy Leader of the Green Party of Canada. We lobbied Bruce extensively and in June 2012 he disclosed to us that he was considering to support carbon fee and dividend. In November 2013 he spoke at our first national conference and then championed carbon fee and dividend in the House of Commons. We are grateful to MP Hyer for all the times he championed carbon fee and dividend: November 19, 2013, May 16, 2014 , May 26, 2014 , June 9, 2014 , September 29, 2015, September 30, 2014, October 6, 2014 , December 2, 2014, December 3, 2014, February 3, 2015, and March 9, 2015, April 1, 2015 and June 4, 2015 . Bruce Hyer is committed to working across party lines, as he believes that “All parties have pieces of the legislative puzzle toward making Canada a cleaner, greener, safer, and more sustainable country.” Read his full bio here.
Peterson Toscano is a performance artist, activist, and comic storyteller. Although he performs throughout North America and Europe, he actually lives in Sunbury, PA. Toscano presents original one-person comedies that explore gender, sexuality, faith, and climate change. Peterson is the gifted director behind CCL Radio. We look forward to having him help us tell our stories. Artists are soothing our souls at this time of massive change. Read his full bio here.
Jason Dion is a Research Associate with Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission. Before joining the Commission, he worked as a project manager and economist at the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), where his work focused on climate change mitigation and adaptation, green public procurement, and sustainable infrastructure. Jason is the author of numerous publications, including environmental fiscal reform studies for the governments of Mauritius and Mozambique, funded by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Read his full bio here.
Mark Cameron is the Executive Director of Canadians for Clean Prosperity. He has worked in several MPs and Ministers offices, including working in the Office of the Prime Minister as Director of Policy and Research and Senior Policy Advisor from 2006 to 2009. Mark has long been engaged in the environmental policy debate in Canada, and serves on the advisory board of the Pembina Institute and the steering committee of Sustainable Prosperity. Read his full bio here.
Jeff Parker is the Policy Manager at the Toronto Region Board of Trade. He joined the Board in 2016 and has a special emphasis on energy and environmental policy. Jeff led the development of the Board of Trade’s energy policy, which will be released in Fall 2017. Prior to joining the Board, Jeff spent more than three years as part of the non-partisan Legislative Research Service at Queen’s Park. He also holds a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Western Ontario and has written a book on comparative federalism and intergovernmental agreements.
Joe Gunn has served as Executive Director at Citizens for Public Justice since August 2008. He served as the founding vice-chair of KAIROS-Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, and has been active in the Canadian Council of Churches’ Commission for Justice and Peace. After engaging Canadian faith communities in speaking out on climate justice, in 2012 Joe was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for “exemplary service and commitment to the betterment of the community.” In June 2013, Joe was awarded a “Certificate of Honour” from Development and Peace for “commitment to the cause of social justice and efforts to improve living conditions for the poorest of the poor in the Global South.” Saint Paul University granted Joe the Eugène de Mazenod Medal in April, 2017. The Medal “honours individuals who have made a significant contribution to the development of human capital in their community.”
Matthew Chapman – Campaign Coordinator – Climate Reality
Matthew joined the Climate Reality team as Campaign Coordinator in April 2016. His experience in the fields of fine arts, education, and international business have shaped his understanding of the challenges and opportunities our society and civilization face. As a member of the national team leading the initiative, he is convinced that building resilient communities is at the heart of the transition to a more sustainable and socially equitable economy.
Catherine Abreu Executive Director, Climate Action Network – Réseau action climat
Catherine joined Canada’s Climate Action Network in July 2016, after five years leading the energy and climate change mitigation programs at the Ecology Action Centre. Catherine is committed to work that confronts climate change head-on, wielding bold and creative strategies. She thinks a lot about citizenship, community, and beauty, and does her best to incorporate those values in all that she does. An accomplished public speaker, Catherine has been honoured to share the stage with some of Canada’s leading environmental thinkers including David Suzuki and Maude Barlow. Her commentary has featured in many news outlets including the New York Times, the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, the Financial Post and VICE. She appears frequently on CBC, CTV, Global and other current affairs television and radio programs.
Laura Sacks founded and leads the Nelson – West Kootenay (BC) chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby. She has a background in the sciences, with a 20-year career as a hydrologist and degrees in geology and Environmental Sciences. She is also passionate about local organic agriculture and has operated a small farm and CSA program. Laura is the mother of 2 daughters who are now young adults. She will share her story of how shifting her worldview from cynicism and despair to positive action helped her become an effective climate advocate. Read her July 2017 Blog here.
John Stephenson, CCL Toronto West, graduated in Applied Mineral Sciences from the University of Leeds 1970. He enjoyed a 44 year career ranging from extractive metallurgy to district energy project development. He became a professional metallurgical engineer and completed a Masters in Management Science. He worked 27 years with Ontario Hydro and Toronto Hydro in business development and 13 years with FVB Energy helping develop over 20 new district energy systems. John has been a member of Citizens Climate Lobby since summer 2016.
Cheryl McNamara founded CCL’s Toronto chapter. Since 2011 she has been in over 80 meetings with Members of Parliament, Ontario MPPs and U.S. congressional offices, as well as the World Bank and Canadian Embassy in Washington, D.C. to advance legislation that would put a price on carbon. She has also met with the editorial boards of the Globe and Mail and Toronto Star, and has written an inordinate amount of letters to the editor.Cheryl is also part of the communications team at KAIROS Canada. During her wee spare hours she writes plays. Her latest, Water Wonders, is a play for young audiences about our deep connection to nature.
Cathy Orlando met Marshall Saunders in June 2010 and started the first Chapter of CCL in Canada in September of that year. She has been working as the National Director of Citizens’ Climate Lobby Canada since November 2011. She has directed all CCL Canada conferences. More recently she has taken additional responsibilities within CCL as the deputy director of Global Strategy. She was an observer at the IPCC meeting in Montreal in September and she will be a delegate at the UNFCCC meetings in Bonn, Germany. When she’s not safeguarding the climate alongside the best volunteers on the planet, you can probably find her stargazing, dancing, reading books not about climate change, and spending precious time with her family.
OUR CONFERENCE FACILITATOR Gerry Labelle has moderated all of our National Conferences. He is one year older.Our event is on the territory of Omàmiwininìwag (Algonquin peoples, in the Algonquin language). He feels quite at home in Ottawa. Gerry is Algonquin.
Schedule Saturday to Tuesday
Venue: 2nd Floor Marriott Residence Inn, 161 Laurier W, Ottawa, ON all Sir Guy Carlton room except where noted
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm: Registration (Second Floor)
1:00 pm to 1:45 pm: Welcome, Opening and Group Building Exercises
1:45 pm to 2:00 pm: Cheryl McNamara, The Open Letter Project
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm: Catherine Abreu, Joe Gunn and Matthew Chapman, The Community Connections Panel
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm: Cathy Orlando, Climate Advocate Training (CAT) for newbies (Dorchester)
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm: Gerry Labelle, Preparing for Election 2019 for veteran CCLers
4:00 pm to 4:30 pm: Receive Lobbying Assignments
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm: Detailed walk-through of our lobbying ask with John Stephenson
Venue: Look in the Conference Booklet. Dessert Party. Go out for dinner and then come have dessert, tea and coffee with us. BYOB, play pool, socializing and maybe dancing. It is almost Halloween! Costumes optional but recommended because they make for great pictures. THEME: Imagination.
Venue: Second Floor Marriott Residence Inn, 161 Laurier W, Ottawa, ON, all Sir Guy Carlton Room
9:30 am to 10:00 am: Registration
10:00 am to 10:30 am: Welcome, Opening
10:30 am to 11:15 am: Erin Flanagan, The Pan Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change
11:15 pm to 11:30 am: Laura Sacks, From Despair to Action
11:30 am to 12:15 pm: Jason Dion, Genuine Complements to Carbon Pricing
12:15 pm to 1:30 pm: Lunch on your own
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm: Mark Cameron and Jeff Parker, Specific Viewpoints Panel
2:30 pm to 3:00 pm: Bruce Hyer, Why carbon pricing must be revenue neutral
3:30 pm to 4:30 pm: Peterson Toscano, Climate change the art of storytelling
4:30 pm to 5:00 pm: Closing and Orientation to Parliament Hill
Venue: Parliament Hill. Registered guests at Marriott Residence can use the 2nd floor of the hotel as a meeting area or even your suites for pre-lobbying preparation.
Arrive at 2:15 at the Centennial Flame on Parliament Hill for a 2:30 SHARP GROUP PHOTO.
Venue: Sir Guy Room, 2nd Floor, Marriott Residence Inn, 161 Laurier W, Ottawa
Vegan tapas food will be served.
Venue: Parliament Hill. Registered guests at Marriott Residence can use the 2nd floor of the hotel as a meeting area or even your suites for pre-lobbying preparation.Hotel and Accomodations
Complimentary hot buffet breakfast served daily
RIMix Monday to Wednesday for complimentary light fares
Free hi-speed internet access in every suite
Complimentary local phone calls
Laundry facilities
Underground parking
On-site Tim Horton’s: Mon-Fri 5:00 AM to 10:00 PM, Sat-Sun 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM *
Marriott Rewards Program
And a great sitting area for pre-lobby sessions.
Studio, one and two bedroom suites with separate living areas with fully equipped kitchen and foldout couch.
At least 50% larger than standard hotel rooms
Working desks with ergonomic chairs
Voice mail
Electronic Key Card SystemImportant Deadlines and Instructions
NAME: The name of the MP, their Party and any special roles they may have in Parliament.
TIME: The day of the week, date and time
LOCATION: Including the building and address and room number if possible
STAFF CONTACT: The staff contact person and their contact information
CONSTITUENTS: Names of constituents (even if they are not attending the conference)
MEETING SCHEDULED BY: Who was the CCL scheduler
ALSO WANTS TO ATTEND: Who you would like to have lobby with you. Constituents in the MP’s riding will get top priority. There are no guarantees.Lobbying Tool Kit
Lobbying resources.
– The name of the MP, their Party and any special roles they may have in Parliament.
– The day, date and time of the appointment
– The location including the building and address and room number if possible
– The staff contact person and their contact information
– Who was the CCL scheduler
– Names of constituents (even if they are not attending the conference)
– Who you would like to have lobby with you (primarily constituents in the MP’s riding will get priority but other special circumstances may be considered. There are no guarantees)
Suggested visuals to bring when lobbying
Never Lobbied Before?
The Final Lobbying Schedule
The Final Lobbying Schedule
Reminder of the details
– The name of the MP, their Party and any special roles they may have in Parliament.
– The day, date and time of the appointment
– The location including the building and address and room number if possible
– The staff contact person and their contact information
– Who was the CCL scheduler
– Names of constituents (even if they are not attending the conference)
– Who you would like to have lobby with you (primarily constituents in the MP’s riding will get priority but other special circumstances may be considered. There are no guarantees)
The Lobby Trap
About Citizens' Climate Lobby Canada
Our Core Values
What We Believe In
Promotional Materials
For Non Canadians
POWERS OF A MAJORITY GOVERNMENT: The Canadian Prime Minister in a majority government has powers that a US president could only dream of because she/he has complete control over the executive and the House of Commons for four years (we don’t have mid-term elections in Canada) and they are rarely opposed by the senate or the Governor General.Past CCCL Conferences and Events
Everything is Connected: National Conference and Lobbying Days, November 2016
Climate For Change: Ottawa Meeting and Lobbying Days, June 2016
Meeting and Lobbying Ottawa, March 2016
Come Together Ontario, October 2015
Leading Change: Ottawa Meeting and Lobbying Days, June 2015
Carbon Fee Prosperity: National Conference and Lobbying Days, November 2014
Canadian Conference, November 2013Not required but helpful
Please note you are not required to join or watch these CCL programs. On the Saturday and Sunday of our conference you will get plenty of training.
Join Intro Call
LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR METHODOLOGY? Climate Advocate Training is held the third and fourth Wednesdays of every month.
Register for Climate Advocate Training
Live Streaming Details Closed - pay at door
Citizens’ Climate Lobby Canada’s 2017 National Conference and Lobby Days
Home » Citizens’ Climate Lobby Canada’s 2017 National Conference and Lobby Days
Community Connections panel, with reps from Climate Action Network, Climate Reality, and Canadians for Public Justice starting at 58:00
On Day 2 AM
Jason Dion with EcoFiscal, speaks about complimentary policies at 1:22:00
Day 2 PM
59:00 Bruce Hyer, former Green and NDP MP from Thunder Bay
1:56:30 is an engaging segment on storytelling by Peterson Toscano
Sunday, October 22, 2017, from 10:30 am ET to 12:30 pm ET:
Sunday, October 2, 2017, from 1:30 am ET to 5:30 pm ET: