February 22, 2016
OPEN LETTER: Ontario should commit to MPP Ted Arnott and Wellington County’s Green Legacy Program
February 22, 2016While MPP Ted Arnott and Wellington County’s Green Legacy Program was endorsed by the Ontario Legislature, the Ontario Government…
December 9, 2015
Open Letter to the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
December 9, 2015The Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) is seeking comments on the design options under consideration for…
October 11, 2015
BLOG: Lobbying at the Epicentre of the Carbon Bubble
October 11, 2015Toronto, ON: Please don’t believe the misleading rhetoric coming from some Conservative candidates in this current federal election in...
October 6, 2015
MEDIA RELEASE: 33 Ontarians Lobby at Queen’s Park for effective carbon pricing policy
October 6, 2015