CCL Canada Onboarding Calls – Only in February

CCL Canada Onboarding Calls – Only in February

Watch our onboarding video

About Us

Since September 2010, Citizens’ Climate Lobby Canada has been building the political will for an evidence-based and socially-just carbon pricing policy. We are a community of focused volunteers from across Canada who are stubborn optimists, non-partisan and action-oriented.

We are real people that meet regularly and dedicate 5-10 hours every month to build the political will for a liveable world. We have developed a monthly and yearly rhythm to our work.

No time left for guessing

We specifically focus our lobbying efforts on evidence-based socially just policies that will re-direct financial flows towards an equitable and thriving planet. Specifically, these policies are carbon pricing with dividends and the Climate Aligned Finance Act.

This is to be differentiated from what we support: we also support many climate initiatives and policies.

We use a proven theory of change.

What is the evidence for our theory of change?

We were the grassroots driving force behind the enactment of the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (GGPPA). It is not in our imagination, many politicians have told us so.

For 1.5C to stay alive we need carbon pricing

The reality is carbon pricing is under attack in Canada and all around the world.

And therein lies the problem.

Without carbon pricing, it is almost impossible to get to the 1.5C aspiration.

The solution is simple. We need help. Many hands make for light work.

We are in a transformational moment in history

We are in a transformational moment in history. We exist to create the political will for a liveable planet.

Thus, in February 2023, we conducted special onboarding calls every Monday evening for Canadians.

People learned about how we work and appreciated the institutional wisdom that is deeply embedded into our work.


We have everything we need ...

We have everything we need to make a thriving and equitable planet. Now, all we need to do is be brave and work together within our own niches in the climate movement and do what needs to be done. If you want to help us within our niche, carbon pricing, and redirecting financial flows away from dirty fossil fuels, then please get connected to us. We are fun and focused. We are changing the world.

Next rowing together events

Next national “rowing-together” events:

  1. Near the end of April / beginning of May, we are conducting a couple of our 1.5-hour Climate Advocate Training specific for Canada to train people how to lobby.
  2. In mid-May there will be a couple of Newbies and Veterans calls, so we can build relationships among our volunteers across experience levels in Canada.
  3.  We have planned an online national conference & lobbying event on the first Friday in June (to be determined soon).
  4. Everyone will be lobbying in late May and June.
  5. People often lobby in the summer because MPs are home. Everyone is encouraged to do that.
  6. We will repeat Onboarding calls for two weeks in September: Monday, September 11, and Monday, September 18.
  7. Then we will do the Climate Advocate Training, Newbies and Veterans calls in early October.
  8. There will be a CCL Canada conference in Ottawa and online in late October. This will include obbying on Parliament Hill and thereafter to the end of the year over Zoom or in their home ridings.

There is more support to be found in our monthly actions and monthly meetings. Either your group leaders will pass this on to you, you can ask to be on the group leader emails, and/or you can join our *Canadian Action Team in CCL Community* to receive timely updates.

If you have found this page and are not registered with us please go here.

*When you register with Citizens’ Climate Lobby you are automatically given a CCL Community account.  If you are receiving our emails you are probably registered. Login information is on the right upper hand corner of the site. If you lost your login information for CCL Community you can retrieve it with your email. *

Missed the Onboarding Calls?

If you missed our Onboarding calls you can:

  1. Watch the video above.
  2. If we are a good fit for you, then contact your group leader to find out how you can help him/her/them.
  3. If you don’t have a group leader contact us a and indicate where you are from, so we can be sure to orient you best to how to get connected to us.
  4. If you are still not quite sure, we have three calls on the third Wednesday of the month where you can join to find out more about us.   Go here to register. 
  5. You can also join the *CCL Canada Action Team in CCL Community* to stay abreast of what is happening.
  6. If you have found this page and are not registered with us please go here.
*When you register with Citizens’ Climate Lobby you are automatically given a CCL Community account.  If you are receiving our emails you are probably registered. Login information is on the right upper hand corner of the site. If you lost your login information for CCL Community you can retrieve it with your email. *

Join our final Onboarding Call on Monday, February 27 in the evening and join the best lobbyists that money can’t buy.

Join Us