Our volunteers know that everything is connected and embrace the complexity of responding to the intersectional crises facing humanity at this critical junction in history. Some of our critics say Citizens’ Climate Lobby volunteers are too narrowly focused on carbon pricing. If you are a lobbyist, citizen, or professional, you must be focused otherwise politicians won’t know what you stand for and won’t be able to help you much. As well, because we manage volunteers over the internet and they are only expected to give 10 hours at most a month to the organization, we must be focused. Joe’s presentation opened our minds and helped us understand better how the carbon fee and dividend policy we have advocated for more than a decade is more than just a carbon pricing policy. We encourage you to listen right through to the end because the discussion with our volunteers at the end was layered, meaningful, and rich. The Principles / Les principes SLIDES Principles for Reinventing Prosperity 2020_0929 BILINGUAL Joe also leads the Citizens’ Climate Engagement Network, a global organizing project from Citizens’ Climate Lobby and Citizens’ Climate Education, supported by an Advisory Coalition of partner organizations, aimed at expanding the global civic space for effective climate policy. He is the founder of Geoversiv.net and the Geoversiv Foundation and is the lead strategist supporting the high-level climate dialogue series Accelerating Progress, Advancing Innovation. Joe is the author of the book Building a Green Economy: On the Economics of Carbon Pricing & the Transition to Clean, Renewable Fuels and a member of the Executive Board of the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY. Follow Joe on Twitter @poet_economistREBUILDING FOR A BETTER FUTURE: Principles for Reinventing Prosperity
with Joseph Roberston
1) We are all future-builders. Nous sommes tous des futurs constructeurs.
2) Health is a fabric of wellbeing and value. La santé fait partie intégrante du bien-être et de la valeur.
3) Resilience is a baseline imperative. La résilience est un impératif de base.
4) Leave no one behind. Ne laissez personne de côté.
5) Design to transcend crisis. Concevoir pour transcender la crise.
6) Maximize integrative value creation. Maximisez la création de valeur intégrative.About Joseph Robertson
Joseph Robertson is CCE’s Global Strategy Director. He does policy analysis, coordinates strategy to train and empower volunteers, and develops new groups abroad. He leads CCE’s engagement with the United Nations, the World Bank, the IMF, the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, and other multilateral institutions.
CCL CANADA EDUCATION: Rebuilding for a better future
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CCL CANADA EDUCATION: Rebuilding for a better future
Posted on November 12, 2020 in CCL Canada Education Call