The Parliamentary Petition Project

We use petitions to educate parliament about the urgency of the climate crisis and our solution. Also, if an MP won’t read the petition aloud in Parliament, it is a great indicator he or she is not supportive of Carbon Fee and Dividend.


  • Call your MP’s office
  • Identify yourself as a constituent of his/her riding
  • Ask if your MP if he/she would be willing read our Parliamentary Petition on climate change in its entirety (excluding the signatories) in the House of Commons
  • Print the petition on legal (8.5 x 14) or letter-size (8.5 x 11) paper.
  • Make sure there are three lines for signatures on the first page.
  • Make sure there is a line at the top of every signature page thereafter indicating that it is a parliamentary petition and its topic.
  • Get at least 25 signatures on the petition – follow the instructions closely. We recommend getting 27 just to be safe.
  • Once completed, copy it for your files if you wish, then bring the original file to your MP’s office in to be read in Parliament.

You can also send the original copy of the petition to:

House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario

No stamp is required.

If your MP will not read the petition, we can send it to other MPs who will. Follow up by asking when it will be read in Parliament, how it was received and a big thank you via snail mail, email and social media.
Inform the National Office so we can thank them on Twitter and Facebook as well.

Cabinet Ministers are not permitted to read petitions in the House of Commons as it would constitute a “conflict of interest”. Thus if your MP is a cabinet Minister you should inform him/her about the petition and ask if he or she could suggest another MP from your province who might read the petition instead.

Please inform us in your monthly Citizens Climate Lobby field report if your petition has been read aloud in the House of Commons.

We’ve made a basic petition for carbon fee and dividend in English (PDF or Word doc) and French for you to use. You’re also welcome to make your own. You can check out the rules for parliamentary petitions on Parliament’s website.

Past Petitions include: