Standing Our Ground IV

Standing Our Ground IV: What Stands in the Way Becomes the Way

Inspired by Marcus Aurelius’ wisdom, Standing Our Ground IV brought together over two dozen passionate climate advocates for an evening of reflection, strategy, and collective visioning. What started as a pandemic-era experiment has now become a cornerstone of our work—an annual gathering where volunteers shape the path forward for climate action in Canada.

This year’s discussion focused on lessons learned from 2024—through lobbying, research, and grassroots action—and how to best leverage evidence-based strategies to build political will. Participants reaffirmed our niche in the climate movement, celebrated achievements, and explored how to strengthen carbon pricing, communicate the urgency of fossil fuel phaseout, and shift financial flows toward a thriving and equitable future.

Through breakout discussions and shared insights, we co-created a roadmap for 2025, proving once again that collaboration is our strongest asset in the fight for a livable planet.

For a glimpse into our past planning sessions, check out:
📌 2024
📌 2023
📌 2022

Follow-up Action: Here is the Google survey that you can take to indicate which National Teams are most important to you this year.

Here are the slides from the event.