In 2023, Canadians and the global community witnessed an unprecedented wildfire season sweep across Canada, enveloping the most densely populated areas of North America in a distressing haze. This catastrophe unfolded amidst the hottest recorded year, heightening concerns for an even more scorching year ahead due to the compounding effects of El Niño exacerbated by global warming gases and sulfur termination shock. Concurrently, COP 28 in Dubai marked the terminal decline of the fossil fuel industry. Against this backdrop, the new Manitoba government is starting to plan for long-term investments in our province. We are going to the Legislature to express our support and to expand our advocacy for taking bold climate action. En 2023, les Canadiens et la communauté mondiale ont été témoins d’une saison d’incendies de forêt sans précédent à travers le Canada, enveloppant les régions les plus densément peuplées d’Amérique du Nord dans une brume inquiétante. Cette catastrophe s’est produite au cours de l’année la plus chaude jamais enregistrée, renforçant les inquiétudes quant à une année encore plus torride à venir en raison des effets cumulés d’El Niño exacerbés par les gaz à effet de serre et le choc de la disparition du soufre. Parallèlement, la COP 28 à Dubaï marquait le déclin final de l’industrie des combustibles fossiles. Dans ce contexte, le nouveau gouvernement du Manitoba commence à planifier des investissements à long terme dans notre province. Nous nous adresserons à l’Assemblée législative pour exprimer notre soutien et élargir notre plaidoyer en faveur d’une action climatique audacieuse. This event is in the past. Please see below for presenters’ slides and other media from the event. Presenters have generously shared slides from their presentations at the links below: Heather Fast – Environmental Rights for Manitoba Dr. Tamara Miller and Dr. Christine Polimeni – Health Impacts of Climate Change Citizen’s Climate Lobby (CCL) Canada has hosted similar events in other provinces. Here is an example of such an event that is in its 6th year. Wednesday, April 3, 2024 Thursday, April 4, 2024 Registration Registration fees Donations welcome Wednesday, April 3, 2024 – Training Thursday, April 4, 2024 – the breakfast and day at the Legislature COVID and Influenza precautions for in-person participants To learn more about lobbying, join an MI expert on Sunday, March 24 at 6pm. Register here. We will hold a pre-lobbying event 7 pm on Sunday, March 17, and two “Ask-Us-Anything” calls 7 pm on Sunday, March 24 and Tuesday, April 2. Link to the Zoom room. Our requests of our parliamentarians Nos demandes à nos parlementaires You don’t have to be an expert to lobby. Your power is that you are a constituent. You are concerned about the climate crisis. You are doing exactly what you should be doing. You will not be lobbying alone. You will be trained. To help you we have made a conference booklet with Laser Talks. A Laser Talk is a structured way to communicate a message succinctly and powerfully – highly focused, targeted, and effective like a laser. They are evidence-based and include sources. You need not memorize the contents of the Laser Talks. They are not meant to be monologues either. They are there for reference. Printed copies will be made available at the training sessions on the Wednesday night. It is OK to bring them with you when you lobby for reference. With recent national and provincial news related to our Asks, here are more resources for use during, or more likely after, this event: Manitoba Budget 2024, with this from page 54: “$10-million to support plans to meet Manitoba’s emissions reduction commitments under the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, part of the Low Carbon Economy Fund Bilateral Agreement with the federal government.” An Open Letter from Economists on Canadian Carbon Pricing, with this intro: “As economists from across Canada, we are concerned about the significant threats from climate change. We encourage governments to use economically sensible policies to reduce emissions at a low cost, address Canadians’ affordability concerns, maintain business competitiveness, and support Canada’s transition to a low-carbon economy. Canada’s carbon-pricing policies do all those things. There is plenty of discussion about carbon pricing in Canada today. Healthy public debate is good, but it should be based on sound evidence and facts. Let’s examine some of the claims made by critics of carbon pricing and compare them with what the evidence shows.” See 1-page handout prepared by Peter Miller summarizing the Open Letter From Economists. CCL Canada Stands Firm in Support of Carbon Pricing: Here’s Why Here is the outline of the email. Please personalize it. You are cordially invited to attend a breakfast co-hosted by MLA Mike Moroz, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment, Citizens’ Climate Lobby Canada, Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition, For Our Kids, Re-Generation. Citizens for Climate: Uniting Voices for a Healthy Manitoba Vous êtes cordialement invités à assister à un petit-déjeuner co-animé par MLA MIke Moroz, CCL Canada, CAPE, MEJC, FOK and CANE. Citoyens Pour le Climat: Unir les Voix pour un Manitoba en Sante Coming from out of town and looking for a place to stay? Directions Otherwise there is paid parking on nearby streets; carpooling welcome! Use this Google Maps link for further directions including driving, walking, cycling and public transit.This event is co-hosted by River Heights MLA Mike Moroz, Citizens’ Climate Lobby Canada, CANE (Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment), CAPE (Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment), MEJC (Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition), For Our Kids, and Re-Generation.
Presenter's Slides
Schedule of Events
Citizens for Climate: Uniting Voices for a Healthy Manitoba
6:30pm meeting time
All Saints Anglican Church
521 Broadway, Winnipeg, MB R3C 1B9
8:00 am to 9:30 am
MB Legislature, Golden Boy Room,
450 Broadway, Winnipeg, MB R3C 0V8
Opens February 23 and closes at noon Thursday, March 28, 2024 as we are required to give MB Legislature all names in advance. We recommend registering at least 1 week in advance of the event. Register here or use button above.
$15 for the in person breakfast at The MB Legislature and the previous evening planning meeting.
Our deepest gratitude to our donors. We fundraise well in advance of all our events to make sure everyone can afford to come. A similar event of this nature hosted by our cohort in Ontario collected $500 and cost $1500 or about $50 per person.
All Saints Anglican Church, 521 Broadway
*park across the street in Canada Life lot
6:00 pm begin gathering
6:30 pm preparing for the lobbying event. Light snacks (bring own if food aversions/allergies), lobby training, laser talks, motivational interviewing and the lobby schedule.
8:00 am to 9:30 am (soft start)
Golden Boy Room
Welcome from our co-host: MLA Mike Moroz
Land Acknowledgment
Youth Guest and Conference Facilitator: Elijah Kanhai
Guest Speakers: Dr. Tamara Miller and Dr. Christine Polimeni: CAPE Manitoba, Heather Fast: Manitoba Eco-Network
En-ROADS climate ambassadors will be on-hand at tables to explore the policy simulator with you: Esther Fyk, John Hayles
Plan for the time it will take to get through Manitoba Legislature security and don’t forget your photo I.D.
– We will be watching the Health Unit recommendations closely and accordingly
– The venues are relatively large to the expected number of people
– Masking will be celebrated.
– Sanitizing hands before eating will be celebrated too.
– It is highly recommended that you keep you COVID vaccinations up-to-date.
– Please do not attend if you test positive for COVID and/or are symptomatic.Prelobbying Check-Ins
Our Lobbying Asks for April 2024
Conference Booklet with Laser Talks
Inviting your own MLAs to our April 4 event
Thursday, April 4, 2024
8:00 am to 9:30 am
Golden Boy Room, MB Legislature
Agenda (soft start)
Land Acknowledgement
Welcome from our co-host: MLA Mike Moroz
Youth Guest and Conference Facilitator: Elijah Kanhai
Guest Speakers: Dr. Tamara Miller and Dr. Christine Polimeni: CAPE Manitoba, Heather Fast: Manitoba Eco-Network
En-ROADS climate ambassadors will be on-hand at tables to explore the policy simulator with you: Esther Fyk, John Hayles
Please RSVP by noon Thursday, March 28, 2024
Jeudi 4 avril 2024
8h00 à 9h30
Golden Boy Room, Assemblée législative du Manitoba
Conférenciers invités: Tamara Miller, CAPE and Heather Fast, MB EcoNetwork
Veuillez RSVP avant midi 28 marsLodging and Directions
Please ask at one of the Pre-lobby Check-In calls if you require help or have concerns regarding accommodations.
There is limited Visitor Parking on the north and south sides of the property, see Parking Map; bicycle stands are available on your left as you enter the oval. Tell security at the front that you are there for an event in the building.COVID and Influenza Precautions
– We will be watching the Health Unit recommendations closely and acting accordingly.
– Masking will be celebrated.
– Sanitizing hands before eating will be celebrated too.
– It is highly recommended that you keep you COVID vaccinations up-to-date.Minister Schmidt's Instagram Video