Winnipeg, MB. As we head into a Manitoba summer with low levels of precipitation and 10 months of global record-breaking heat, many of us recognize the importance of climate action and working together across the Canadian Federation. At the beginning of this Earth month, close to 40 Manitobans gathered on April 4 to express their concern for the environment by meeting with 18 MLAs and/or their staff to advocate for bold climate action. Members from Citizens’ Climate Lobby Manitoba, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment – Manitoba (CAPE), Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment – Manitoba, Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition, For Our Kids, and Re-Generation held a breakfast in the Golden Boy Room at the legislature. The event, co-sponsored by River Heights MLA Mike Moroz, brought together representatives from 2 parties and included Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Honourable Tracy Schmidt. Minister Schmidt highlighted government actions from the recent budget. Some of these included EV rebates, helping citizens’ switch heating from oil to geothermal and electric power, and $6.5 million for a low carbon economy fund. She also reported that funding previously cut from several climate groups will now be restored. One of the requests of the event organizers was for Manitoba to fulfill their role in the Pan-Canadian Framework on Climate Change, in order to decrease climate change’s hazardous effects on health. Guest speakers from CAPE, Drs. Tamara Miller and Christine Polimeni outlined the health benefits gained when we reduce greenhouse gasses as well as the impact of the health sector on emissions. The other request of the organizers was for Manitoba to take strong action by signing on as a friend of BOGA – the international Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance that Quebec co-chairs. This would signal an intent to put a climate lens across all that government does. Heather Fast, from Manitoba Eco-network and an expert in environmental law was another informative speaker. She spoke of recognizing the importance of environmental human rights at the provincial level in being able to protect ourselves from negative impacts of climate change. Rural CCL Canada member, Esther Fyk expressed her reaction to the event: “As I experience wildfire smoke in the summer and many days of +10 degrees with rain in January, I reflect on how the Anishinaabeh cared for Turtle Island. It’s my heartfelt desire that we may return to this way of being loving stewards.” A demonstration of en-ROADS, an important global simulation tool showing the impacts of more than 18 climate policies on emissions, was also included in the conversational time during the event. Participants realize that carbon pricing is an important tool to help decrease our emissions. For example, Peter Miller, from First UU Church of Winnipeg and Green Action Centre urges the Government of Manitoba “to stand firm in carbon pollution pricing with rebates” and to “help folks find more efficient and cleaner alternatives to heat, travel, and transport of goods making good use of our Manitoba Hydro advantage.” Reflecting on his experience of the event, youth guest and facilitator, Elijah Kanhai said, “The open-minded eagerness of both citizens and MLA’s to create positive change and cultivate community within Manitoba made the event a resounding success.” For more information about this event please go here: https://canada.