A Dialogue about District Energy with the Boltzmann Institute

What’s in Store:

  • The slides (we are only going through the first 15 slides) 
  • Then INSANE video that’s guaranteed to captivate you!
  • And of course at the end we will have discussion
  • Plus, we are all cordially invited to this event in Toronto on March 20.


  • GSHP = ground source heat pump
  • ASHP = air source heat pump
  • IESO = The Independent Electricity System Operatoris the Crown corporation responsible for operating the electricity market and directing the operation of the bulk electrical system in the province of Ontario, Canada. It is one of seven independent system operators in North America.

Take Home Message: The path forward involves heating plants and thoughtful planning

The Hope: Thermal storage is poised to be a gamechanger, and we’re confident you’ll leave the session feeling empowered and hopeful about what lies ahead.

Nuclear Energy: And for your notes here is CCL Canada’s stance on nuclear energy.

The Insane Video