It was a rainy cold day when we displayed the Parachutes. Note we were only able to display 5 parachutes at time. Grateful for the opportunity to share thoughts from the country. Kudos to the volunteers who stuck it out and stuck to the "rules"
41 Canadian Parachutes for the Planet in one spot at one time. Photo taken on October 14 in the morning before our conference.
This Parachute will be signed by conference participants and people on the Parliament Hill. Made by CCL Sudbury members Chelsea and Jason.
This parachute from Sudbury was updated after speaking with an MP who favours the dividend cheque approach
@CCCLConf2018 photo on Parliament Hill October 15, 2018. A fun comment on Twitter was: said "Digging the Sgt Peppers vibe of the group photo!"
An Antigonish parachute made by youth shared with Sean Fraser - MP for Central Nova and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change
Constituents share their parachute with their MP, Will Amos
With MP Richard Cannings
With MP Linda Duncan - a fierce defender of the climate in our Parliament. We are grateful for her service to Edmonton and Canada
With MP Bruce Stanton with his constituents Angie and Quintin at #CCCLConf2018
CCL Sudbury with their MP Paul Lefebvre and a parachute that outlines the Lancet's impacts of climate change made by physician Dr. Jane Cox and her daughter Erica
This beautiful parachute is from Lanark County - the maple syrup capital of Canada. Anita and her gang made it and has gone on display in her community.
CCLer Tanya Coad created the parachute for CCL Nelson - West Kootenay, encompassing local concerns about our warming climate.
CCL Nelson - West Kootenay created this parachute with the Nelson community at Canada Day festivities at Lakeside Park
This community parachute was created by 20 people at Kootenay Gallery of Art in Castlegar, BC, and designed by local artist Stephanie Konkin.
CCLers in Kaslo made thisbeautiful parachute on a smoky summer day in BC.
Community members in Castlegar, BC create a parachute at the Kootenay Gallery of Art for the global day of climate action
The Langhum Cultural Centre in Kaslo opened its doors to creating Pararchutes on the global day for climate action. Lots of fun were had by all ages as they created these works of art!
This parachute was made at a summer camp at Taghum Hall in BC by boys age 9-13, with CCLer Alyssa helping. They had lots of fun and took breaks to play team building parachute games. Of course, that makes for some spotted paint and smeared figures, however, that is all part of this parachute story.
Taghum Hall summer camp parachute, made by boys 9-13 years old. It has 4 quadrants: concern about wildfires, fish, bees, and blue herrons. Thanks to Alyssa for helping to make this happen!
Parachutes for the Planet at Odyssey Theatre's Environmental Action Day in Ottawa
New CCLer Steve and his family create a parachute in Kaslo for the global day of climate action.
This parachute was created as part of Rise for the Climate global day of climate actions at The Langham in Kaslo, BC. A new CCLer Steve created this with his family.
Residents of Kaslo creating a parachute in Kaslo for Rise for Climate day of global climate action.
CCLer Natty, in Gatineau, creatively used her dog's birthday as an occasion to invite children from her neighbourhood to work on the parachute. They came for a piece of cake and to pet the dog.
Creating this parachute in Gatineau was a fun family project!
The Brackenridge family painting their beautiful parachute in Gatineau
The Brackenridge Family in Gatineau created this parachute with the message "Protect Mother Earth". They used hands prints to highlight the idea that the future is in our hands.
Thhis parachute was designed and painted by several homeschool families from Kaslo, BC
Homeschooler families from Kaslo designed and painted this parachute
Drone photo of West Kootenay parachutes. Photo credit: Selkirk College drone club
Drone photo shoot of West Kootenay parachutes. Photo credit: Selkirk College
From Georgia in Gatinua: As an educator I get to experience each child’s true self and aspiration. Les enfants ont besoin d une planète pour vivre - sécuritaire plain de vie. Leurs inquiétudes sont visibles dans leurs expressions artistiques. Voici une opportunité de montrer au monde entier que c est le temps de prendre soin de la terre qui nous supporte
This parachute is from Robson BC scouts troop. 2018 was the second year in a row where forest fires/smoke were directly affecting their families and their plans to recreate in nature. They have written their individual concerns about the best ways to move forward with resisting an accelerated climate change on their parachute. The canoe is the symbol of their favorite nature activity. The animals in the canoe represent their concern for wildlife that live in the forests and their desire to protect the environment for all life as we travel together through time. The troop would like to see ore sustainable energy development and a general reduction in consumerism.
The Robson scouts working on their parachute
Carole and her grandsons made a parachute and showed it to their MPP - France Gelinas - Nickel Belt at the end of a really good meeting about Ontario and climate change
Michelle and her two sons drew this parachute to show the good way forward and the bad way forward. Her message is nothing is more powerful than the love of a mother.
Four Antigonish “Kids Who Care” -- Desi, Anna, Franky, and Lilien -- got together and designed and created this parachute, illustrating the urgency behind climate action. They took up this project with determination, each knowing how much our environment means to our health and lives.
This amazing group of four “Kids Who Care” from Antigonish, Nova Scotia came up with the theme of the parachute. It was quickly decided it would be a parachute that illustrated the urgency behind climate action.
Creating a Parachute for the Waterloo Rise for Climate, Justice and Jobs Rally.
Penny's grandkids helped to paint this parachute with her.
Penny created this with her grandkids Toby and Claire. The parachute is designed after the peace symbol. Three environments are represented - forests, oceans and the Arctic. The hope is that nations and individuals will work together peacefully to preserve these environments.
CCLers in Kitchener-Waterloo created this parachute at a Taco Night and Art Party, hosted by Ryan and Aislinn. They made several banners and signs for the Waterloo Rise for Climate, Justice and Jobs Rally, as well as a Parachute for the Planet.
Liz helped create this giant parachute in Richmond Hill ON, dotted with mini parachutes that have climate change related inspiring quotes on them. People chose and signed the quote that resonated at screening of An Incovenient Sequel: Truth to Power” in Richmond Hill.
Group displays are great conversation starters. West Kootenay parachutes were displayed in Castlegar during the Giving Thanks community potluck
Some of the West Kootenay parachutes displayed at Millennium Park in Castlegar during the Giving Thanks community potluck
West Kootenay parachutes were displayed at Millennium Park in Castlegar during the Giving Thanks community potluck
Selkirk College’s Environment Club designed and created this parachute, illustrating their desire for sustainable world with fresh water, air, and healthy ecosystems.
This was painted by climate concerned volunteers and CCLers in Kaslo BC, as part of Rise for the Climate, global day of climate action
This parachute was painted by 4 women from Nakusp and New Denver, BC, whose ambition is that our pristine natural environment and spirited communities provide a peaceful home, balanced economy, and wild recreation experiences for all residents and visitors.
Mount Sentinel Secondary School’s Green Team designed this parachute, and grade 7/8 art students helped paint it. They are very concerned about endangered species, and illustrated land (green), water (dark blue), and flying (light blue) species of concern. They want us to be working toward a better future.
CCL Nelson-West Kootenay helped make this community parachute as part of Canada Day festivities at Lakeside Park. We welcomed children to add their handprints and names to this parachute to tell our Members of Parliament that they care about our climate. Parents and children were very excited that it would be displayed on the lawns of the Parliament Buildings. In our conversations, we found that parents are very concerned about climate change.
Children attending the After School Program at the Table Community Food Centre in Perth, Ontario, their helpers and others created this parachute with the theme: “Reduce the Carbon Footprint of your Food!
Odyssey Theatre in Strathcona Park, Ottawa, held an Environmental Action Day in Ottawa. CCL volunteers from the National Capital Region chapter spoke with visitors about Carbon Fee and Dividend. Visitors were also invited to put their hand prints around this parachute. Finished by Anita Payne.
This parachute was created by students in grade 6/7 at Kinnaird Elementary. Their message of standing for our planet includes protecting wildlife and their habitat, acting responsibly, and respecting indigenous knowledge.
This mom from Wahnapatie ON made the parachute for her two boys. Nothing is more poweful than a mother's love.
Sophia with the Greater Sudbury Parachutes from Val Caron, Chelmsford, Wahnapatie and Sudbury
A family portrait parachute drawn by 11-year-old with some help from her parents (mom insisted on the fun comment for portrait)
Carole and Deb with MPP France Gelinas (Nickel Belt)
This parachute will be signed on Parliament Hill on October 15.
Over a dozen CCL Sudbury youth from three schools made this parachute and then they got over 500 Sudburians to sign it.
On September 6 CCL Sudbury felt the power of the Parachutes when we showed some of them to MP Serre. Photo credits: MP Serre's office.
This Parachute will be first displayed at ClimaCon2018 in Toronto and signed there by participants.
CCL Niagara, CCL Sudbury, and CCL Les Cedres members made this parachute and then got about 100 signatures at a folk festival in Sudbury