Discussing Nova Scotia’s Cap and Trade Program with Dr. Louise Comeau

Dr. Louise Comeau is an experienced leader in the field of communicating climate change and analysing climate policy. She has been working on climate change since 1990. Dr. Louise Comeau currently works as the  Honorary Research Associate, UNB and Director Climate Change and Energy Solutions, Conservation Council of New Brunswick. Her recent paper Nova Scotia Cap and Trade Comments March31_2017 sparked us to invite her to a call with us and we were not disappointed. The insights she offered will help us tremendously going forward.

Two questions that everyone were to think about beforehand.

  1. How can we make Nova Scotia’s carbon pricing policy better?
  2. What are some non-partisan strategies we need to focus on?
  1. Welcome
  2. Approve the agenda
  3. Brief introductions
  4. Louise Comeau to walk through her recent paper
  5. Answer questions about the comments about the paper
  6. Facilitated discussion: How can we make Nova Scotia’s carbon pricing policy better? What are some non-partisan strategies we need to focus on? Next steps.

Listen to the call here:


Suggested reading

Nova Scotia Cap and Trade Comments March31_2017 – by Dr. Louise Comeau and what we reviewed on the call.
CCL Nova Scotia’s Open Letter
Carbon Pricing Summary Report Feb15_2017


Suggested Video

Carbon Pricing Narratives in New Brunswick