September 6, 2023
Laser Talk – The IMF, Carbon Pricing and Explicit and Implicit Fossil Fuels Subsidies
September 6, 2023Here is a hopeful conclusion from the report: “Full fossil fuel price reform would reduce global carbon dioxide emissions…
March 1, 2023
Laser Talk: CCL Canada’s Position on Carbon Capture and Sequestration
March 1, 2023Given the inequitable and catastrophic impact that exceeding a global temperature rise of 1.5 °C will have on everything…
February 6, 2018
LASER TALKS: Fossil Fuel Subsidies
February 6, 2018There is an urgent need to reconsider the fossil fuel industry’s economic value chain in light of climate change….
May 16, 2017
MEDIA RELEASE: Government Must Be More Forthcoming Concerning Fossil Fuel Subsidies
May 16, 2017Auditor General (AG) frustrated by insufficient data to audit Canada’s 2009 commitment to phase out “Inefficient” fossil fuel subsidies….
March 24, 2017
MEDIA RELEASE: Canada Budget 2017 Installment #1: The Trend To Clean Energy Is Irreversible
March 24, 2017CO2 is rising faster now than in other time in human history. Going forward, Canada and the world…
September 26, 2016
LASER TALK: Canada Must End Fossil Fuel Subsidies
September 26, 2016Ending fossil fuel subsidies was a clear and specific promise in the Liberal Government’s 2015 election platform , yet…