Laser Talk: Simplifying Our Messaging

Laser Talk: Simplifying Our Messaging

Laser Talk: Simplifying Our Messaging

This article, Climate, Net Zero and Other Words You Must Stop Using, by Mark Campbell was brought to our attention by Cathy P. in Calgary. It has great ideas on simpler words/phrases for “climate-related” language that can be very confusing for some folks.

This and other climate messaging suggestions can be found below or here in our Talk Effectively About Climate Change laser talk!

  • Environment = natural world or our surroundings
  • Climate = dangerous increase in extreme weather
  • Extreme Weather = record-breaking wildfires, flooding, and droughts happening now
  • Rising Sea Levels = hundreds of thousands of homes lost on low-lying islands
  • Global Warming = warmer atmosphere holding more water, causing heavy rainfalls and flash floods
  • Biodiversity = all life on Earth, or the wide variety of plants and animals
  • Sustainability = living in a way that protects natural resources and ensures a better future
  • Carbon Footprint = our impact on the planet
  • Greenhouse Gases = heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide
  • Fossil Fuels = coal, oil, and gas
  • Renewable Energy = endless energy sources
  • Net Zero = balancing emissions to zero
  • Deforestation = cutting down forests for farming, logging, or development
  • Desertification = turning land into desert due to human-caused climate change
  • Habitat Loss = animals losing their homes and the destruction of nature
  • Rewilding = bringing back nature
  • Circular Economy = recycling and reusing everything
  • Biodegradable = materials breaking down naturally without leaving plastics or lasting harm
  • Coral Bleaching = dying coral reefs due to warming waters
  • Desalination = making saltwater drinkable to save lives
  • Carbon Sequestration = storing carbon underground
  • Bioplastics = plastics made from plants
  • Just Transition = fair shift to green jobs for workers and communities
  • Sustainable Fashion = plastic-free clothing to avoid shedding microplastics

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