Even to this day, there are individuals who deny or downplay the link between the burning of fossil fuels and the impacts that pollution has on our climate and health. How did this happen? Key players in the fossil fuel industry knew decades ago that burning coal, oil, and methane gas to warm our homes, power our cars, and generate electricity was warming the planet. Instead of acting on the knowledge, they began financing a massive disinformation campaign. Now, as a consequence, youth are having to fight for their inalienable right to have a safe and liveable future. Happily, when you inform people that the fossil fuel industry funded a climate disinformation campaign for decades, people are more likely to believe you when you present solutions. It is not going unnoticed too. A quarter of all US Americans live in jurisdictions that are suing big oil over lying to the public. For British Columbian municipalities seeking support to do the same Sue Big Oil is the go to organization. UPDATE JULY 2024: New InfluenceMap research finds that the oil and gas industry has used a playbook of narratives and arguments to systematically oppose, weaken, and delay the energy transition since at least 1967. Suggested readings: Laser Talk: Fossil Fuel Industry Funded Climate Disinformation for Decades