A study published in The Lancet Planetary Health in October 2024 surveyed nearly 16,000 young Americans, revealing that 85% are at least moderately worried about climate change, with 58% expressing very or extreme concern. This anxiety is influencing major life decisions. The same study found that 64% of respondents believe climate change will impact their future plans, including choices about where to live and whether to have children. These findings underscore the urgent need to address climate change to alleviate the mental health challenges faced by young people. Climate Anxiety Among Youth: A Wake-Up Call for Action
Another study published in October 2024 focusing on adolescents in Quebec showed that most participants were worried about climate change: 190 (14.3%) were extremely worried, 383 (28.9%) were very worried, 553 (41.7%) were somewhat worried, and 199 (15.0%) were not at all worried.