Laser Talk: Because IPCC



Laser Talk: Because IPCC

How can we be so sure about what we know about climate change? Because of the amazing work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The IPCC was created in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme. In 2017, Citizens’ Climate Lobby Canada sent an observer to the plenary session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Montreal. Over a course of six days, she observed 195 member countries of the IPCC lay down the framework of their sixth assessment report (AR6). On Monday, March 20, 2023, in Interlaken, Switzerland, the IPCC released its final assessment report in its sixth cycle (AR6) – the Synthesis report.

AR6 Synthesis Report is based on the content of the three Working Groups Assessment Reports: Working Group I – The Physical Science BasisWorking Group II – Impacts, Adaptation and VulnerabilityWorking Group III – Mitigation of Climate Change, and the three Special Reports: Global Warming of 1.5°CClimate Change and LandThe Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate.

To help us all communicate the IPCC information better, we introduced our members nationally and globally to the Because IPCC resource in February 2022. It beautifully explains how the report – and peer-reviewed science – works and why we need to listen to it.

Download the book, for free.

Cymraeg (Welsh) – Oherwydd IPCC Hanes a Gwyddoniaeth y Panel Rhynglywodraethol ar Newid Hinsawdd


Español (Spanish) – Gracias al IPCC – Historia y Ciencia por tras de Panel Intergubernamental del Cambio Climático

Français – Grâce au GIEC – Histoire et science du Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat

Italiano – Perché IPCC – La Storia e la Scienza del Gruppo Intergovernativo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

Nederlandse taal (Dutch language)

Português – Por Causa Do IPCC (Portuguese)

Slovák – IPCC Hrdinovia Klimy – thank you PRO Publishers Ltd.

Svenska (Swedish) Tack Vare IPCC – Historia och vetenskap för den mellanstatliga panelen om klimatförändringar

因为 IPCC:政府间气候变化专门委员会的历史和科学 (Chinese)



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