Citizens’ Climate Lobby Canada’s 2017 National Conference and Lobby Days


Marshall Saunders, our founder and president, had a vision to create an organization where people could be empowered to create positive change in our world. In 2007, he founded Citizens’ Climate Lobby. There are now over 85,000 members world wide, including over 1300 Canadians. 

And many of our Canadian CCLers are here again on Parliament Hill – our 4th national conference and the 12th time as a collective lobbying for a liveable world. Once again we have been able to secure an amazing line-up of speakers to share their knowledge, and create a narrative that will inform our discussions with parliamentarians. Thank you for helping us at this time of massive change.

It can be easy to despair about climate change, but the reality is that we are in a race to the top. The global tech market is worth over $1 trillion (CAD) and is on the cusp of a multi-trillion dollar clean tech revolution. With effective carbon pricing we can create the political will to make this happen.

Our politicians truly need our help to secure a healthy climate and 21st-century jobs for future generations.

Thank you conference funders big and small, presenters, and everyone who is about to lobby our MPs for our five simple steps to improve Canada’s carbon pricing policy. We are all about to make a difference alongside some of the best volunteers on the planet.

Truly and deeply,

The Future is Ours Conference Team:

Marlo Firme, Gerry Labelle, Cathy Lacroix, Cathy Orlando, Laura Sacks and Yannick Trottier 


CCCL 2017 The future is ours Conference booklet-


LIVE STREAM: Saturday, October 21, 2017, from 1 pm ET to 3 pm ET:

Community Connections panel, with reps from Climate Action Network, Climate Reality, and Canadians for Public Justice starting at 58:00

LIVE STREAM: Sunday, October 22, 2017, from 10:30 am ET to 12:30 pm ET

On Day 2 AM 
Don’t miss the opening Inuit throats singers,
Followed by Erin Flanagan with Pembina at 14:00 on the Pan Canadian Framework.
Jason Dion with EcoFiscal, speaks about complimentary policies at 1:22:00

LIVE STREAM: Sunday, October 2, 2017, from 1:30 am ET to 5:30 pm ET

Day 2 PM
Starts with a conservative focused panel around carbon pricing with reps from Canadians for Clean Prosperity and the Toronto Board of Trade.
59:00 Bruce Hyer, former Green and NDP MP from Thunder Bay
1:56:30 is an engaging segment on storytelling by Peterson Toscano

The Details