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Winnipeg, Manitoba: On Mother's Day, Christine Penner-Polle shared this Christian meditation in two churches in Winnipeg: As Psalm 104 reminds, we live on an amazing planet. EB White once said: “Every morning I awake torn between the desire to save the world and an inclination to savour it. This makes it hard to plan the day." Here we are, on Mother’s Day, celebrating the giving of life, that most sacred of acts. And the sun is shining, the sky is blue. If we are lucky, our children are nestled in our laps or beside us on the pew. Watch the video and read the transcript here. |
Ottawa, Ontario : On May 18, CCL Halifax member, Andy Blair, introduced a motion that was passed by the Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice (CUSJ). They declared their support for a new system to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). Read the CUSJ press release here. |
Halifax, Nova Scotia: On May 19, Jeff Rubin, the former chief economist at CIBC World Markets, was interviewed by Anna Maria Tremonti on CBC's The Current. In his interview, he talked about how popping Canada's carbon bubble would be good for our economy and promoted carbon taxes. CCL Halifax member, Joanne Light, wrote a beautiful letter full of original metaphors and it was read on the air. Please go to the three minute mark here to hear what was read on air. Read the full letter here. |
Ottawa, Ontario: From May 31 to June 2, twenty eight Canadians met, shared, strategized and then lobbied 25 parliamentarians for carbon fee and dividend. This was the eighth time we have lobbied on Parliament Hill as a group since November 2011. The overwhelming response was that Parliament is listening closely to us now. Want some proof? Three parliamentarians asked us to help them educate their colleagues after election 2015. You can watch the video of our meeting on Sunday, May 31 in Ottawa HERE. Aaron Freeman from GreenPAC and Carrie Saxifrage, author of The Big Swim were our guest speakers. They both gave fascinating talks and the discussions they had with CCL volunteers during the Q&A were enlightening. You can view our photo album of this event in Facebook HERE. Thank you to all the volunteers who, on their own dime and time, went to Ottawa to lobby for a liveable world. To celebrate almost five years of lobbying in Canada, we created a retrospective video. Thanks to Angie Nussey for permissions to use her song Still Hope. Over the past five years we have lobbied 91 federal parliamentarians and 45 provincial parliamentarians, many of them repeatedly. Special thanks to Keith and Jean from Clearwater BC for riding their bikes across Ontario and getting over 28,000 signatures on the petition for a referendum on Carbon Fee and Dividend.
Nelson, British Columbia: On June 6 a special crowdfunding campaign for a game-changing project concluded. Thank you to everyone who donated money or asked friends to donate money to Luxx Media's and Citizens' Climate Lobby's crowdfunding campaign for three public service announcements and a documentary. We raised enough money to make the ads and pitch the documentary featuring Tom Rand's "Waking the Frog" presentation to angel funders. Find out more about the project here. |
Vatican City, Rome: On June 18, 2015 the Pope released a 180 page intervention which casts blame on the "ecological crisis" on the indifference of the powerful. In this document science and religion come together. It is telling the world that we are called upon to be good stewards of God's creation and to turn away from behaviours that are putting the world's poor and most vulnerable at risk. Unlike previous encyclicals, this one is directed at everyone on the planet, not just the world's Catholics. Regarding the trading of carbon credits, he does not mince words and says "it may simply become a ploy which permits maintaining the excessive consumption of some countries and sectors". Read our editorial packet which calls upon Parliamentarians of all stripes to come together and enact legislation that will help solve the climate crisis while protecting the poor and most vulnerable at the same time. |
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