Saturday and Sunday
Four Points Sheraton – Gatineau, Quebec
Across the street from the Museum of Civilization,
35 Rue Laurier, Gatineau, Quebec, J8X 4E9, Canada
Phone: (819) 778-6111
Monday – Thursday
Lobbying on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, ON
Monday night there will be a post-lobbying reception
at the Heart and Crown 67 Clarence Street in the Byward Market
Confirmed Speakers for the Educational day
Sunday, November 17, 2013
DR. SHI-LING HSU – Author of The Case for a carbon tax: Getting Past Our Hang-ups to Effective Climate Policy Find out why a carbon tax is our favourite carbon pricing policy for Canada and the USA. |
SAM DALEY-HARRIS – Founder and president of the anti-poverty organization RESULTS, currently CEO for the Centre for Citizen Empowerment and Transformation and author of Reclaiming Our Democracy: Healing the Break between People and Government . Find out the links between the stories of CCL and RESULTS. |
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MARSHALL SAUNDERS – A Grameen Humanitarian Award Winner and the Founder and President of Citizens Climate Lobby. "The only revolution I want to be part of includes a lot of singing and dancing". |
Mary Gorman – screenwriter, founding member of Save our Seas and Shores and grand prize winner of the Green Heroes Award. Driven by her love for the Gulf of St Lawrence, Mary has fought tirelessly to protect the waters from oil and gas exploration. |
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Daniella Harvey is probably CCL's youngest volunteer at age 13. She began working with us at age 10 at the Good Green Town Hall 10/10/10 event in Sudbury and organized world wide by To get to know more about Daniella, listen to her speak twice on the Good Green Town Hall video at 1.00 minute and 3.00 minute mark approximately. |
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Celine Bak, President of Analytica Advisors, co-lead of The Canadian Clean Energy Coalition and recent co-author of an editorial “How we can grow our economy while shrinking our emissions.” . |
Bruce Hyer, Member of Parliament, Thunder Bay – Superior North, will be at our conference on Sunday afternoon. He will be our guest at our funder's lunch, he will take part in our press conference at 2:30 and he will make closing statements at the end of the day. Bruce's presence at the end of conference is a perfect fit, because many of us ralled behind Bill C311, the climate change private members bill that Bruce championed in the House of Commons in 2009 and 2010. Bill C311 has the dubious distinction of having been the only bill in the history of Canada to be passed in the House Commons and then be killed in the Senate with no debate, committee work, or consideration of any kind.
More speakers and workshops can be found in our CCCL Conference 2013 Booklet
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Gerry Labelle will be the conference facilitator on Sunday. Gerry is a career facilitator specializing in governance. Gerry is a conservative who is passionate about protecting the environment. |
More speakers and workshops to be announced soon. The conference agenda will be finalized late October.
More speakers and workshops to be announced soon. The conference agenda will be finalized late October.
Saturday, November 16 – Lobby training and preparation
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Our intrepid leader and Executive Director, Mark Reynolds, will lead the massive group start workshop at the Conference. Please note that if you intend to lobby with us, you must take part in the lobby training and preparation from 1:00 to 6:00 pm on Saturday, November 16, 2013.
Lobbying our MPs
Note we are lobbying all week. MPs usually return to their home ridings on Friday. Monday is our preferred day to lobby. Wednesday mornings are the Caucus meetings, thus lobbying MPs would be unlikely during that time.
Find our event on Facebook. Connect with others who will be attending the conference. This Facebook Event page is not a registration page – it is a "social page".
Where to stay
- 20 rooms have been set-aside for CCL at the Four Points Sheraton in Gatineau at $119.00 per night. Many thanks to Julia at CCL Ottawa for the list of conference venues in Ottawa. Please just indicate you are with Citizens Climate Lobby. The rooms will be held until October 21, then they will be opened to anyone.
- The Ottawa Jail Hostel is much less expensive and a lot of fun … Take your showers on Death Row… Staying at a jail is so Gandhian …
- For those of you who favour the Auberge experience here is a list of Auberges in Gatineau. Auberge Un Pied A Terre is the closest one to our conference venue.
- We highly recommend you make your hotel, hostel or Auberge reservations maintenant/now.
Citizens Climate Lobbyists who still wish to take part in the entire event please call Cathy by this Wednesday noon and we will make it work.
Registration for the three day conference and lobbying days is now closed. However, we are opening our Sunday morning program to the public for free (9:30-12:30 am). We can only accomodate 25 more people because our initial registration was fantastic and we have limited space.
RSVP for the Sunday morning keynotes at
Please note the following
- Registration fees are being collected by the International CCL office in the USA. They are acting as our fiscal agent and external auditor for this conference.
- Fees online will be through the US Paypal and will be $97 USD
- For those who wish to pay via Canadian checks in the mail the cost in $100 CDN. We must receive these checks in the mail by November 5, 2013 to hold your registration spot.
- Please note that none of the money collected for this conference will go towards salaries or even to offset the travel costs of the organizers. Any excess money will be set aside for our conference in 2014. Some money may go to offset the travel and conference costs for CCL interns.
- We would like to thank Rich V. at CCL USA for his help with the online registration. He was a pleasure to work with.
Donations welcome
- We welcome donations for the conference. At this point donations will be used to reduce registration fees, cover the travel costs for interns as well as tuck away money for CCCL's conference in 2014.
- If you would like to donate money towards the conference the best way to do so is online. CCL-USA is acting as our fiscal agent and external auditor. All donations from Canada go to Canadians. None of the donations from Canada go to salaries.
- Please note that donations towards this conference would not be tax deductable because lobbying is not covered as a charitable item under the rules for charities in Canada or the USA.
To donate online please go here: or alternatively you can mail a cheque to our National Headquarters in Canada at:
80 Elm Street, Sudbury ON, P3C 1T2 - Make the cheque out to Citizens Climate Lobby.
- Please note that none of the organizers are being paid to do this work nor are our own personal travel costs being offset.
- Many thanks to the Canadians that donated money to make this conference possible.
Download Conference Pamphlet
Download Conference Poster
The Conference Schedule (subject to minor changes to timing) is now online.