Back-up Monthly Actions Page


Every month since September 2010, Canadians have been tuning into CCL’s monthly call. Here are the topics, guest speakers and actions sheets:

Saturday, March 12, 2016,U.S. Rep Carlos Curbelo

Florida Congressman Carlos Curbelo is the March 2016 guest speaker at our monthly meeting.U.S. Rep. Carlos Curbelo, a Republican who represents Florida’s 26th District, is our guest for the March 12 call. Along with Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL), he recently formed the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus in the House. Congressman Curbelo was also the first Republican to cosponsor the climate resolution introduced by Rep. Chris Gibson (R-NY) last September.
Listen to or download the call from ourpodcasting channel or iTunes.
CCL Canada Action Sheets March 2016
Postcard Page (pdf) with 2 images per page , Back of the postcard for Parliamentarians in Ottawa (no postage required), Back of the postcard for all other destinations (postage required)

 Saturday, February 13, 2016, Jeffrey O’Malley, UNICEF

UNICEFOur February guest is Jeffrey O’Malley, Director of the Division of Data, Research and Policy for UNICEF. He is responsible for shaping research and evidence priorities, ensuring that evidence in turn shapes UNICEF policies and strategies. Mr. O’Malley joins our February call to discuss UNICEF’s report,Unless We Act Now, about the impact of climate change on children.

February 2016 CCL Canada Action Sheets as well as the Individual and Group Planning sheets.
Listen to or download the call from our podcasting channel or iTunes.

Saturday, January, 9 2016, Political Scientist Hahrie Han

Hahrie HanOur guest speaker at our January meeting is Hahrie Han. Han is the Anton Vonk Associate Professor of Environmental Politics in the Department of Political Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She specializes in the politics of environmental and social policy, focusing particularly on the role that civic associations play in mobilizing participation in politics and policy advocacy. Hahrie is also the author of the book, How Organizations Develop Activists.

January 2016 CCL Canada Action Sheets as well as the Individual and Group Planning sheets.

Playback options for calls: Listen to or download the call from our podcasting channel or iTunes.


Saturday, December 6, 2015
Retired Navy Rear Admiral David Titley

Admiral David TitleyOur guest for the December call is Dr. David Titley, a professor of practice in meteorology at Pennsylvania State University and the founding director of their Center for Solutions to Weather and Climate Risk. He was also NOAA’s chief operating officer from 2012-2013. Before assuming these positions, he was a rear admiral and the chief oceanographer of the U.S. Navy, in which he served for 32 years.

While serving in the Pentagon, Dr. Titley initiated and led the US Navy’s Task Force on Climate Change.

December 2015 CCL Canada Action Sheets with Endorsement Project asks Primary and Secondary

Playback options for calls: Listen to or download the call from our podcasting channel or iTunes.

 Saturday, November  7, 2015
Rob Williams from Resources for the Future

Rob Williams, Resources for the Future

Our guest for the November call is Rob Williams, Senior Fellow and Director of Academic Programs at Resources for the Future (RFF). He’ll discuss results from two recent papers RFF published that examine the different impacts a revenue-neutral carbon fee would have across U.S. states and across income quintiles if the revenue was recycled to reduce corporate taxes, to reduce payroll taxes, or returned as a dividend. Rob and his RFF colleague Dallas Burtraw will also be featured at the Nov. 19 briefings on Capitol Hill before members of Congress.
November Action Sheets
Laser Talks November Version

Listen to or download the call from our podcasting channel or iTunes.

Saturday, October 3, 2015
Patrick Verkooijen from the World Bank

Patrick-Verkooijen World Bank

Our guest for the October call was Dr. Patrick Verkooijen, Deputy Special Envoy for Climate Change for the World Bank Group. He has been working closely with Rachel Kyte, the World Bank Vice President and Special Envoy for Climate Change, and has been instrumental in the building of the Carbon Pricing Leadership.
October Action Sheets
Register for our next monthly call
Listen to or download the call on iTunes or iPod

Saturday, September 12, 2015
Jerry Taylor, President of the Niskanen Centre

Jerry Taylor, President of the Niskanen Center

Jerry Taylor is president of the Niskanen Center, a libertarian think tank developing and promoting proposals to legislative and executive branch policymakers. Prior to founding the Center in 2014, Mr. Taylor spent 23 years at the Cato Institute, where he served as director of natural resource studies, assistant editor of Regulation magazine, senior fellow, and then vice president. He is the author of The Conservative Case for a Carbon Tax, a paper published earlier this year by the Niskanen Center.
September Action Sheets

Listen to or download the call from our podcasting channel or iTunes.

Saturday, August 2 2015, Sam Daley-Harris

Sam Daley HArrisAugust 2015 – Sam Daley-Harris, Center for Citizen Empowerment and Transformation

How can we maximize the leverage from the media we generate and other actions we take? RESULTS founder and CCL mentor Sam Daley–Harris will join our August call and coach us on best practices to ensure that our actions have the greatest impact with members of Congress. After 15 years with RESULTS, Sam founded the Microcredit Summit Campaign, which he left in 2012 to establish the Center for Citizen Empowerment and Transformation.
August Action Sheets
Listen to or download the call from our podcasting channel or iTunes.

Saturday, July 11,  2015, Patrick Carolan, Executive Director of Franciscan Action Network

Carolan_PatrickNow that the Pope has released his encyclical on climate change, how can we best leverage Francis’ message for policy action? In the run up to the Pope addressing Congress and the UN in September, what messages should we be putting forward in the media? For answers, we’ll turn to Patrick Carolan, Executive Director of the Franciscan Action Network, a grassroots organization amplifying the justice efforts of Franciscans and Franciscan-hearted people around the country.

Listen to or download the call from our podcasting channel or iTunes.
July 2015 Action Sheets

Saturday, June 6, 2015, Danny Richter, CCL Legislative Director

dannyWhat do we really know about people’s carbon footprints? What role does income and geography play? This is important to know, because the greater one’s carbon footprint, the more one will pay under a carbon-pricing regime, and elected officials want to know which of their constituents will be most affected. A new study from the Center for Global Development sheds light on these questions, and CCL’s Legislative Director Danny Richter will walk us through the study and its findings on the June call.

Listen to or download the call from our podcasting channel or iTunes.
June 2015 Action Sheets 

Saturday, May 2, 2015, Tony Leiserowitz, Yale Project on Climate Change Communication
Tony Leiserowitz

The “gateway belief,” what makes people more likely to accept the facts on climate change and support public policy solutions, is this simple fact: 97% of climate scientists are convinced, based upon the evidence, that human-caused global warming is happening. On our May call, Tony Leiserowitz from the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication will discuss how we can get this vital information across to people and also talk about using the Yale Climate Opinion Maps as a tool for advocacy.

Listen to or download the call from our podcasting channel or iTunes.
May 2015 Action Sheets 

Satruday, April 4, 2015
George Marshall, Climate Outreach and Information Network
George Marshall, Climate Outreach and Information Network
On our April call, we dive into the psychology of climate change communication with George Marshall, author ofDon’t Even Think About It: Why Our Brains Are Wired To Ignore Climate Change. Why is there such a big gap between what the scientists tell us about climate change and what the public believes? Marshall, co-founder of the Climate Outreach and Information Network will discuss what we can do to close that gap.
Marshall has 25 years experience working across the environmental spectrum – from community level protest groups to senior positions in Greenpeace and the Rainforest Foundation to consultancy work for governments and businesses. He is an expert advisor to the Welsh Government on public communications.
Listen to or download the call from our podcasting channel or iTunes.
April 2015 Action Sheets
English Parliamentary Petition – specifically for Carbon Fee and Dividend (April 2015) also in WORD

Saturday, March 7, 2015
Lonnie Ellis, Associate Director of the Catholic Climate Covenant

Lonnie Ellis,<br /> OFS is the Associate Director of the<br /> Catholic Climate CovenantPope Francis will issue his encyclical dealing with climate change this year. What can we expect and what impact will it have in the Catholic community? To find out, we’ll talk to Lonnie Ellis, the Associate Director of the Catholic Climate Covenant, which emphasizes the need for Catholics to care for God’s creation and minimize the impact that climate change has on the poor.
March 2015 Action Sheets
Listen to or download the monthly call from our Podcast Channel iTunes.

February 7, 2015: Keya Chatterjee,  US Climate Action Network 

Keya Chatterjee US Climate Action NetworkWhat other organizations are working on climate change and what are they up to? To find out, we’ll turn to Keya Chatterjee, executive director of the US  Climate Action Network Prior to joining USCAN, Keya served as Senior Director for Renewable Energy and Footprint Outreach at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Before that, she worked as a Climate Change Specialist at USAID. Keya is also the author of  The Zero Footprint Baby: How to Save the Planet While Raising a Healthy Baby. February 2015 Action Sheets Audio link for the February Call Post Card Page Cartoon Page

January 10, 2015: David Hone, Climate Change Advisor for Shell

David Hone, Climate Advisor for ShellOn our January call, we’ll discuss why businesses should embrace carbon pricing with our guest David Hone, Climate Change Advisor for Shell. He is also a board member of the International Emissions Trading Association and also the Washington-based Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES). Check out David’s blog, which includes recent posts about the COP20 meeting in Lima.
Listen to or download the call from our podcasting channel or iTunes.
January 2015 Action Sheets
CCL National Framework for 2015 PDF   
Group planning form WORD and PDF 
Goal Setting 2015 Page 

December 6, 2014: Allan Savory of the Savory Institute


Can we reverse desertification and sequester carbon through cattle herding?

That’s the hopeful theory behind the work of our December guest, Allan Savory of the Savory Institute, who began developing his holistic management methodology in Zimbabwe in the 1980s.
Listen to December 2014 call on our podchannel or on MP3  
December 2014 Action Sheets 
CCL Canada Fundraising leave behind  
The Canadian carbon dividend check –  to put in your Christmas cards 

November 1, 2014: Charles Kennel, Former director of Scripps Institution of Oceanography


2C or not 2C? That was the question on CCL’s November international call. Charles Kennel, who was the ninth director of Scripps Institution of Oceanography and a former Associate Administrator at NASA, is our November guest. He recently co-authored an article in the journal Nature arguing that it is time to abandon the 2C warming goal and track a range of vital signs instead, provoking “hot” debate in the climate science world.

November 2014 Action Sheets
Nature Paper – Ditch the two degree warming goal
Laser Talks
Listen to the November Call  

October 4, 2014: Adam Browning – Vote Solar

Adam BrowningAdam Browning is co-founder and executive director of Vote Solar, which works at the state, federal and local level to implement programs and policies that allow strong  solar markets to grow — and pave the way for a transition to a renewable energy economy. On October’s call, Adam will share his insights from building support among conservatives for clean-energy policies. Prior to Vote Solar, Adam spent eight years with the EPA where he ran an award-winning pollution prevention program.
October 2014 Action Sheets
Listen to the October Call  

Saturday September 6, 2014 Rear Adm. Len Hering (ret.), Center for Sustainable Energy

Len HeringRear Admiral Len Hering Sr. (ret.) joins our next call to talk about the impact that climate change is having on national security. Hering is Executive Director of the Center for Sustainable Energy in San Diego. During his career in the Navy, Hering  built a team that reduced energy consumption by nearly 42%, diverted 75% of Navy waste from landfills and reduced water consumption by more than one billion gallons. He instigated wind, thermal, photovoltaic and conversion technology at all levels in Navy facilities.

September 2014 Action Sheets
Listen to the September Call

Saturday August 2 2014
Scott Nystrom, Regional Economic Models, Inc.

Scott-Nystrom-pic-LRAs our volunteers prepare for meetings with MPs during the summer months, it’s a good time to check in with Scott Nystrom, Senior Economic Associate at REMI, to answer questions about their groundbreaking study showing that a carbon tax, done the right way, will add millions of jobs to the U.S. economy.
August 2014 Action Sheets
Listen to the August Call
August Post Card – I want my carbon dividend

Saturday July 12, 2014,
Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, climate change evangelist

What could possibly top 600 volunteers lobbying in DC for a carbon tax? How about a national call with Katharine Hayhoe, cited as one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world for bridging the gap on climate change between the scientific and religious communities? Oh, yes, and she’s been featured in Showtime’s (soon to be award-winning) “Years of Living Dangerously.”

July 2014 Action Sheets (pdf)
Listen to the July Call

JUNE 2014: Anthony Leiserowitz, Yale Project on Climate Change Communication

Anthony Leiserowitz shared with us his latest data that shows Americans care deeply about global warming but not climate change.
June 2014 Action Sheets (pdf) June 2014 Action Sheets (html)

May 2014: Dana Nuccitelli, Skeptical Sciene – The IPCC and cutting carbon

May 2014 Action Sheets 
Listen to the May Call

May’s action was to invite our MPs to The Change Agents Movie, which is being screened by MP Atamanenko on June 3, 2014.
Note that one of the themes in  The Change Agents film is about youth anxiety as result of the environmental crises facing us. Learn more about youth anxiety regarding the climate crisis in this article published in the Globe and Mail on May 1. 

April 2014: Scott Nystrum from Regional Economic Models, Inc. (REMI)

Scott Nystrum from Regional Economic Models, Inc. (REMI) will discuss their recent study about the economic impact a revenue-neutral carbon tax would have on California. Spoiler alert: The news is good. Scott is a Senior Economic Associate at REMI and holds a B.S. in economics and an M.A. in economic history from Iowa State University.  You can view the California REMI report here.

April 2014 Action Sheets
Listen to the April Call

March 2014: Eli Lehrer, R Street Institute

Eli Lehrer is president and co-founder of the R Street Institute, a free-market think tank based in Washington, D.C. On our March call, Lehrer will discuss the no-nonsense view of climate change held by the insurance and re-insurance industry, which has the most to lose for getting it wrong.
March 2014 Action Sheets
Listen to March Call

February 2014: Jon Haidt, The Righteous Mind

Jonathan Haidt, a professor in the Business and Society Program at NYU-Stern, is a social psychologist and author of The Righteous Mind and The Happiness Hypothesis. He’ll discuss how we came to be so politically polarized as a nation and what needs to happen to restore a more cooperative system of governing.

Want to join us live and listen? Then please register here.

February 2014 Action Sheets
Listen to February Call – MP Joyce Murray (Vancouver-Quadra) was a special guest on the call. The Canadian report from the field was about MP Bruce Hyer (Thunder Bay – Superior North) debating the merits of carbon fee and dividend on the floor of the House of Commons on Thursday, January 30, 2014. The laser talk read on the call was about NAFTA and Carbon Fee and Dividend.
English Parliamentary Petition – specifically for Carbon Fee and Dividend
Valentine’s Day Resources

January 2014: Adele Morris of the Brookings Institution

Adele Morris is a fellow and policy director for Climate and Energy Economics at the Brookings Institution. Her expertise and interests include the economics of policies related to climate change, energy, natural resources, and public finance.
<ahref=”” target=”_blank”> January  2014 Action Sheets
Listen to January Call

December 2013: Anne Kelly of Ceres on enrolling businesses on climate policy

Anne L. Kelly is Director of Public Policy at Ceres, a non-profit coalition of investors and companies, which seeks to promote leadership and best practices in sustainability. Anne directs Business for Innovative Climate & Energy Policy (BICEP), a coalition of twenty-three leading consumer-facing companies, including Nike, Starbucks and eBay, seeking to advocate for meaningful climate and energy policy at the federal level. On the call Anne Kelly said CCL had a great brand! Also listen to Peter Joseph talk CCL’s meeting George Schultz and the summary of the CCCLConf2013. 

Listen to the December Call
December 2013 Action Sheets – write your MP and the Finance minister a letter. Contact your local Liberal MP or riding association and ask them to consider carbon fee and dividend. Our 2014 fundraising drive has begun.

November 2013Working with Faith Communities

Eric Sapp is founder of Eleison Group, a consulting firm that helps political, non-profit, business and government entities better understand America’s rich and complex faith landscape and build relationships with people of faith from across the ideological spectrum on the local and national level. He has been a regular speaker on faith and politics on television and radio shows.

November 2013 Action Sheets
Listen to the November Call

1. Submit the media release about Citizens Climate Lobby’s first Canadian Conference to your local media outlets. Call in and leave a voice message or submit online to your local radio stations our public service announcement for our upcoming conference and lobbying days.

2. In preparation for the lobbying days in Ottawa, please start practicing The Time is Now – Le Moment est Venu Laser Talks.

October, 2013: All about the IPCC’s 5th Assessment Report 

As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change rolls out its Fifth Assessment Report, our October national call will turn to Dr. John Abraham, IPCC reviewer and climate scientist at the Univ. of St. Thomas in St. Paul. What’s changed since the 2007 report? What are the most important takeaways from the new report? Let’s ask a climate scientist!

 October Action Sheet          Listen to October Call

October’s Actions were:
1. Le moment est venu – the time is now for Citizen Climate Lobbyists to meet with your Member of Parliament in Ottawa during our first annual conference and lobbying days. Monday, November 18, 2013 is the preferred day for us to lobby our Members of Parliament as that is our official day of lobbying. Please note, however, that some of us will be lobbying in Ottawa until Thursday, November 21st.

2. Register your support online for Citizens Climate Lobby if you have not already done so:

September, 2013: Paul Beckwith, The University of Ottawa

The month of September is the time of year when the Arctic typically reaches its minimum ice extent. To further educate ourselves about the processes governing ice extent in the Arctic, and the importance of Arctic Ice in the climate system, we’re going to have Paul Beckwith as our speaker. Paul is a grad student pursuing a Ph.D. in Geography at the University of Ottawa, and a member of the Ottawa CCL Chapter.

September 2013 Action Sheets (Canada)
Listen to September Call

September’s actions were: Parliament has been prorogued. Thus you can still meet with your MP in your home riding. Ask your MP to sign the Climate Fast Pledge if they have not done so already.  Book a meeting between CCL and your MP for Monday, November 18, 2013. Participate in a solidarity event with the Climate Fast.
September’s Laser Talks are:
1) Canada’s Citizens Climate Lobby.
2) The Five Chief Ways to Price Carbon.
3) Carbon Fee and Dividend.

AUGUST 2013Guest is Sam Gomberg, Union of Concerned Scientists 

How will a carbon tax affect farmers? This is the question  often asked by politicians who have agricultural constituents. On the August call, joining us to shed some light on this topic is Sam Gomberg, an energy analyst at the Midwest office of the Union of Concerned Scientists. He advocates for responsible energy policies that support the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency resources, and that result in significant reductions of global warming emissions. Before joining UCS, Sam was a policy manager for the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE).
August 2013 Action Sheets (Canada)
Listen to August Call

August’s actions are: 1) Practice July and August’s laser talks & use them to write letters to the editor. 2) Book a meeting with your MP during the summer recess. 3) Take stock and/or familiarize yourself with some of the ongoing actions at Canada’s CCL.

JULY’S NATIONAL CALL: Guest is Lynne Twist of the Pachamama Alliance; Reports from CCL’s conference

Lynne Twist, a board member of the Pachamama Alliance, has been a recognized global visionary committed to alleviating poverty and hunger and supporting social justice and environmental sustainability. From working with Mother Teresa in Calcutta to the refugee camps in Ethiopia and the threatened rainforests of the Amazon, Lynne’s on-the-ground work has brought her a deep understanding of the social tapestry of the world and the historical landscape of the times we are living in.

July 2013 Action Sheets (Canada)

Listen to July Call

June 2013 400 ppms! The Keeling Curve and Speaking the Issues

On the June call, we’ll have an abbreviated educational section, with Dr. Lauren Rafelski from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography explaining the Keeling Curve and the 400 parts per million milestone that was passed last month. The rest of the call will be devoted to an essential activity that few of us take the time to do: practicing our speaking so that we become fluent in communicating all the issues that are critical to our success as climate advocates.

Click Here for June’s Action Sheets

Listen to the June Conference Call


Nearly every week, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) goes to the floor of the Senate to speak about climate change and the urgent need for congressional action. Earlier this year he organized the Bicameral Climate Change Task Force, which meets regularly to discuss national climate policy. Along with three other members of Congress, Whitehouse authored a carbon tax discussion draft seeking public comment. We’ll talk to him about the discussion draft and the potential for legislation in this Congress.
ACTIONS: Our Horizon Initiative of putting warnings on gas pumps, Prepare a two page dossier on  your MP by June 1
Click HERE for May’s Action Sheets
Listen to the May Conference Call

APRIL 2013: The story of CCL 

and how we became a force for climate advocacy — will be published in a book this fall. Joining us for the April national call was the author of that book, Sam Daley-Harris. The 20th anniversary edition of Sam’s book, “Reclaiming Our Democracy,” includes a new chapter in the growth of citizen empowerment — Citizens Climate Lobby. Sam is the founder of RESULTS, the advocacy organization that serves as the model for CCL, and has been coaching our organization since its inception. He recently founded the Center for Citizen Empowerment and Transformation to bring this model to other organizations.
ACTIONS: Table at an Earth Day event, contact the NDP about the Northern Council’s policy motion and register your support for CCL online.

Listen to the April Conference Call 
April Action Sheets
Notes from the Call


Dr. Amanda Staudt is a climate scientist with the National Wildlife Federation who uses her expertise to translate complex scientific theories into terms the public an understand. Dr. Staudt connects the dots between global warming and weather related phenomenon including wildfires, hurricanes, increased flooding and drought in certain areas of the country. On our next call, she will  give an overview of the National Climate Assessment, a report that will be finalized and released later this year.

March Action sheets
Listen to the March Conference Call

FEBRUARY 2013: OCEAN ACIDIFICATION – THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW Dr. Martin Tresguerres, assistant professor at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
ACTIONS: Prepare for Obama’s State of the Union address, the Climate Fast and Parliamentary Petitions
Download February 2013 Conference Call
Click HERE for February’s Action Sheets
Click HERE for February’s notes from the call

JANUARY 2013: MORAL DOMAINS, CONSERVATIVES; LIBERALS AND HOW TO COMMUNICATE CLIMATE CHANGE – with Dr. Robb Willer, Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences, UC Berkeley.
ACTION: Set 2013 personal and group goals.
Listen to the January Conference Call
Click HERE for January’s Action Sheets
Click HERE for January’s notes from the call
Additional resources:
Robb Willer’s Psycholocial Science Study 2012: The Moral Roots of Environmental Attitudes
Robb Willer’s Psychological Science Study 2011: Apocalypse Soon? : Dire Messages Reduce Belief in Global Warming by Contradicting Just-World Beliefs


DECEMBER 2012:THE CONNECTION OF DISASTERS TO CLIMATE CHANGE with Dr. Kevin Trenberth, National Center for Atmospheric Research.
ACTIONS: Fundraising Drive December to April: Goal $13,000. 100% of money goes to projects in Canada not salaries. Ongoing Action Climate Fast Pledge.

Listen to the December Conference Call
Click HERE for December’s Action Sheets

NOVEMBER 2012:HEALTH AND CLIMATE CHANGE with Dr. Wendy Ring, Physicians for Social Responsibility shared her data that links health and climate change. ACTIONS: Lobbying in Ottawa. Eat Nothing Buy Nothing and Climate Fast Pledge.
View Dr. Wendy Ring’s slide show presentation here.
Listen to the November Conference Call
Click HERE for November’s Action Sheets


Dr. James Hansen, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
ACTIONS: Flash Phone Mob Minister Flaherty. Prepare for lobbying in Ottawa.
Listen to the October Conference Call
Click HERE for October’s Action Sheets

SEPTEMBER 2012: METHANE AND BLACK CARBON – Dr. Veerabhadran Ramanathan, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, talked about non-CO2 sources of global warming.
ACTIONS: Write you MPs about the weather disasters. Contact your local and national weather persons
Listen to the September Conference Call
Click HERE for September’s Action Sheets

JULY 2012 AND AUGUST – we prepared and debriefed after our lobbying in Washington DC (175 lobbyists met with 303 representative or the aides including 9 Canadians) , which was a mostly a USA driven initiative, so we took some down time in Canada.
Listen to the August Conference Call
Click HERE for July’s Action Sheets

JUNE 2012 A CONGRESSMAN LISTENS TO HIS SON – Former Congressman Bob Inglis, a Republican from South Carolina, served six terms in the U.S. House of Representatives before leaving office in 2011 but not before he bravely introduced a carbon tax.
ACTIONS: Federal Environment Week and Blackout Speakout
Listen to the June Conference Call
Click HERE for June’s Action Sheets

May 2012 THE USA ARMY AND CLIMATE CHANGE with Major General Jackson recently retired from the United States Marine Corps.
ACTIONS: Write letters to the editor for Broken Earth Day. Special Instructions for Federal Environment Week.
Listen to the May Conference Call
Click HERE for May’s Action Sheets

April 2012THE CASE FOR A CARBON TAX with Shi-Ling Hsu is Professor at the University of British Columbia School of Law.
ACTIONS: Attend Earth Day events. Prepare for’s Connect the Dots. Write Flaherty and demand an end to tax breaks for Big Oil.
Listen to the April Conference Call
Click HERE for April’s Action Sheets

March 2012FRACKING with Robert W. Howarth, Cornell University. Wow not only does it pollute, it also produces a lot of methane and thus is a bigger short term climate forcer than coal.
ACTIONS: Benchmarks for the 2 year plan for CCL USA. Write a letter to the editor responding to the rising cost of gasoline.
Listen to the March Conference Call
Click HERE for March’s Action Sheets


FEBRUARY, 2012 GUEST: Amory Lovins, Chairman and Chief Scientist of the Rocky Mountain Institute

Physicist Amory Lovins is Chairman and Chief Scientist of Rocky Mountain Institute ( and Chairman Emeritus of Fiberforge Corporation ( His wide-ranging innovations in energy, security, environment, and development have been recognized by the Blue Planet, Volvo, Onassis, Nissan, Shingo, and Mitchell Prizes, MacArthur and Ashoka Fellowships, the Benjamin Franklin and Happold Medals, and 11 honorary doctorates. He advises governments and major firms worldwide on advanced energy and resource efficiency, has briefed 20 heads of state, and has led the technical redesign of more than $30 billion worth of industrial facilities in 29 sectors to achieve very large energy savings at typically lower capital cost. A Harvard and Oxford dropout, he has published 29 books and hundreds of papers and has taught at eight universities. His most recent book is
“Reinventing Fire”.  

Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era.”
Listen to the February Conference Call
February 2012 Actions Sheets

January 2012 – THE TRUTH ABOUT CARBON OFFSETS with Daphne Wysham – a fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) and is the founder and co-director of the Sustainable Energy and Economy Network (SEEN). ACTION: Set 2012 personal and group goals.
Listen to the January Conference Call
Click HERE for January’s Action Sheets

December 2011 Guest Speaker: Col. Mark ‘Puck’ Mykleby, USMC, co-author of ‘A National Strategic Narrative’
Download the December Action Sheet
Listen to the December Call

Guest Speaker: Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, atmospheric scientist and co-author of ‘A Climate for Change: Global Warming Facts for Faith-Based Decisions’
Download the November Action Sheet

October 2011: Dr. Mark Jacobson, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Director, Atmosphere/Energy Program, Stanford University

Dr. Jacobson’s research evaluates the atmospheric effects of proposed energy solutions to climate change and air pollution, examines resource availability of renewable energies, and studies optimal methods of combining renewable energy resources. He co-authored a new study analyzing what is needed to convert the world’s energy supplies to clean and sustainable sources. His study says it can be done with today’s technology at costs roughly comparable to conventional energy. But converting will be a massive undertaking on the scale of the moon landings. What is needed most is the societal and political will to make it happen.

Listen to the October Call

September 2011 : Anthony Leiserowitz, Center for Climate Change Communication at George Mason University

Anthony Leiserowitz, PhD, is director of the Yale Project on Climate Change and a research scientist at the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies at Yale University. He is also a principal investigator at the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions at Columbia University. He is a widely recognized expert on American and international public opinion on global warming, including public perception of climate change risks, support and opposition for climate policies, and willingness to make individual behavioral change. His research investigates the psychological, cultural, political, and geographic factors that drive public environmental perception and behavior.

Download Dr. Leiserowitz’ Power Point presentation that accompanies the call.
Listen to the September Call

August 2011: CDR. Blake McBride, USN Task Force Climate Change

This month’s conference call guest, Commander M. Blake McBride III, will talk about some of the challenges the U.S. Navy faces in a changing climate. CDR McBride is a naval meteorology and oceanography officer and has served as the Executive Officer of the U.S. National/Naval Ice Center in Suitland, Maryland. He also served as a Meteorology and Oceanography Officer on the amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard, completing two deployments during operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. He holds undergraduate and post-graduate degrees in physics, meteorology and physical oceanography, hydrographic science, and national security and strategic studies.

Listen to the August Conference Call

July 2011 Call

Listen to the July Conference Call

…. some day we may load all the actions and guests .. who knows