I/We Endorse Climate Action

I/We Endorse Climate Action

The impacts of climate change—including destabilized weather patterns, costly forest fires, and rising seas — pose a substantial and imminent threat to our health, prosperity and security. The costs are growing and already burdening businesses, taxpayers, municipal budgets and families. Our economy, infrastructure, public safety and health are directly at risk. Prudent action now will be far less costly than the consequences of a delayed response and will create a more stable business and social environment for our nation.

Therefore, I/we urge the Canadian Parliament and other elected leaders to support measures that will:

  • Acknowledge the serious threat posed by climate change,
  • Limit global warming to less than 2 degrees C using targets based on accepted scientific evidence,
  • Remove all subsidies to the fossil fuel industry,
  • Support Canada’s clean technology sector, ensuring that Canada is a global leader in this fast- growing international sector,
  • Implement a national carbon pricing program that will reduce carbon emissions in a timely and just manner, and that:

○    Includes a steady, resolute and rising carbon price for predictability and effectiveness,

○    Prices pollution at the source and uses border tax adjustments to discourage industry relocation,

○    Is as simple and transparent as possible,

○    Protects low to middle income Canadians, while stimulating the economy and creating jobs,

○    Can work with provincial carbon pricing systems and harmonize across national borders.


YES! I/We Support Climate Action

I am endorsing on behalf of an
☐Organization (business, congregation, etc.)
☐Individual (elected official, community leader)

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As you wish it to appear. If individual, please include title.

Geographic scope ☐National ☐Multi-province ☐Province ☐County/region  ☐City/local


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